December 31, 2014

{The Sickness is Here}

As a mom I am constantly on the hunt for medicines that work that I don't have to fight my kids to take. Just so you're aware, in the 12yrs I've been a mom I haven't found one. Nothing ever tastes as good as the box makes it sound. And there are some flavors, bubble gum for example, that I just steer clear of right off the bat.

Why does that flavor never taste like bubble gum?!

So this past week when Owen started coughing his head off, I went to the cabinet in search of a remedy. We had nothing. #momfail I usually have a pretty good supply of cold meds having 3 kids and all. But the last time I cleaned out the cabinet out I had to get rid of a lot of it because it was expired.

So what does a mom do? She sends dad to get more ;). He came home with children's Mucinex and lemon Halls cough drops. I was not impressed lol. Neither was Owen. He fought me forever to take it. He could smell that it was going to be gross before he even got it in his mouth. Did it get the job though is what you're asking right now. Yes, it worked. It took his fever of 103 down in about 15min. But getting him to take it again after it came back, was harder than the first time. He already knew it was yucky.

That's about the time I saw a commercial for Dr. Cocoa. Honestly I thought it was just a marketing tactic. None of the other meds ever taste like their flavors. How could this possibly taste like delicious chocolate (said as though I'm Homer Simpson talking about doughnuts lol)? Owen saw it too though and said I should buy that for him. Not a mom to disappoint, I said I would.

I picked some up on sale for $8 at Walgreen's. I figured if it works, it's worth more than $8.

While walking around the store I read the box. Its dye free, alcohol free, and gluten free. I'm not one of those moms thats super concerned about things like that, but its nice when I find products like that.

The real test though was when I got home. Just opening the bottle, it smelled like chocolate! Like chocolate icing to be exact. I shook it up and poured in the cup that came with the Mucinex. It did come with its own spoon but I saw that being a mess should Owen decide it wasn't as awesome as the cute little owl on the commercial had said.

It poured out thick and literally looked like a melted Hershey bar in a cup!

Of course I had to taste it..and sure enough tastes like chocolate. Not quite as sweet but still as good!

Owen thought so too when he dipped his finger in and ended up drinking the whole cup with no problems.

As far as does it work? We got the cold and cough daytime version. There are 2 others, cough and then cold & cough night time. I haven't heard him cough once since giving it to him. Not one time. I'd say this med is a success! I'll be purchasing it from now on!

December 28, 2014

{3wks After Losing Him}

For those that might be wondering I thought I'd give a little update on how we are doing since the passing of our beloved pawpaw.

Gaige has spent most of his Christmas break with my grandma. She's gonna have a real empty house when he leaves on the 4th to come home. But I think being close to where pawpaw was, has helped him quite a bit. He can feel him there I'm quite sure and its comforting to be around his things. He doesn't cry a lot anymore. Or at least not in front of me. He has always been that way though. Never wanted to upset anyone so he would pretend everything was OK. He often talks about him though. And I try to keep his memory alive by taking a walk down memory lane with him when he chooses. I know he misses him as much as the rest of us. He will get through this. Not over it. But through it.

I am still broken. There's really no other way to explain it. I miss him so much it hurts and I want so bad to wake up from this nightmare. But its not happening. I've stopped crying myself to sleep but I still wake up crying some mornings. At the risk of sounding a little off my rocker though I've had a couple dreams about him. One that was so calming. I don't know what he said to me but I was so at peace when I woke and I just thought "he's here. He's always here." And I went back to sleep. I know he watches us all. I have to believe that because I need him to still be in my world somehow. I am aware I might sound crazy. You lose a parent and see how sane you are 3wks later.

My nephew (7yrs and as close to him as Gaige was) is having a rough time with it. My sister said he often asks to go to the shop and when she tells him he can't, he cries. Understandable.

My sister and brothers are about in the same place as me.

My grandma is doing OK I think.

Owen knows I'm sad and hates it when I cry lol. He came in the other night when I was crying. He got into my bed and rubbed my back. I asked him what he was doing and he said "I'm rubbing you cause you're sad about pawpaw dying..." Sweetest boy ever.

So we will get through this. All of us. But its going to suck. Bad.

{Christmas with my mom}

Hello all! I figured before I totally forget and its the middle of July I should post about the other Christmas fun we had :). On the 26th my mom had Christmas at her house. My 1 brother and my grandma were the only ones that made it. My sister got sick along with my nephew and my other brother was in Chicago. It was a pretty good time. We had spaghetti and then my brother set up the ps4 my mom bought her husband. She got the kids some new clothes :). Something they all needed pretty bad. And she got Owen a ninja turtle winter hat and gloves which were definitely the right thing to buy lol. She gave her kids money ;). It was nice to sit and talk with her for a while. I don't usually get to. She doesn't live that from me but I hate the town she lives in. I avoid it most of the time. Anyway, here are some pictures of the fun that was had that day :).

We did a white elephant (or Chinese auction) gift exchange. I needed up with a picture frame my brother and his girlfriend brought lol. I brought some hanging strawberry planter that is a lot like those tomato ones. Dawn got it from my grandma like 2yrs ago and its been sitting in her closet ever since. Then it sat on my table for a month. So away it went. Last year I brought mismatched socks lol. My grandpa ended up with them and he used them at the shop for rags lol.

It was a good time. Until I started feeling funky when we were about to leave. Blah. Owen and I are both sick now. I don't know what happened.

December 27, 2014

{Merry Christmas!!}

I hope that everyone had an amazing day!

Our day was pretty chill around here. Nothing too exciting happened but it was still decently eventful.

During the day on Christmas Eve Gaige and I went to run a few errands. I picked up  a few gifts for D because I hadn't shopped for him at all yet. And we picked up Costco memberships for my grandma and D's.  Then it was back home to wrap them and get ready for our Christmas Eve at D's grandma's house.

We left there around 4-5pm I think and stopped at McDonalds to grab a quick dinner. I have no idea why she didn't have food. She almost always feeds us lol. But D's uncles kids were there before us and if there was any food made, it probably got eaten. They come with an army lol. Then we went home to eat and open our Christmas Eve boxes.

I'm aware that pictures of Dawn are missing. True my word, she did not get her Christmas Eve box. Drastic? Maybe. Worth it? Possibly. She now knows we weren't kidding about her behavior being ridiculous and her not getting to keep anything she got.

After that we popped popcorn and watched the boys' movies. Owen got The Flight Before Christmas and Gaige got Ernest Saves Christmas. We watched both. I liked them both. I've seen Ernest movies a million times! Hilarious!

Then it was bedtime. Which means it took them 3 more hours to actually fall asleep. I did not wait until they were totally asleep before I put the stuff out. I had no desire to stay up until 3am last night.

And Santa ate the cookies (the apples was for the reindeer lol)

I did not drink the milk *gag*.

And then the next morning came far too quickly.

Gaige came into my room around 7:30 and told me it was Christmas. I said "uh huh" and turned over lol. Which is funny because that's what my dad would say when we were kids. About 5 minutes later I woke up D and we joined our heathens in the living room.

They opened stockings first.

And then Gaige handed out the gifts.

We ended the morning with breakfast and then around noon it was off to my grandmas for Christmas with her.

I didn't take pictures there. It was a pretty...different Christmas day at her house. Everyone was kind of sad. But it was a good time for the most part.

So yeah, that was our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We went to my moms the day after Christmas but I'll make another post about that. And we also have Christmas with my dad on January 3rd too. So more Christmas pictures to come!

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December 24, 2014

{Merry Christmas Eve!}

I can't believe it's already Christmas Eve. Where has this year gone? I have to say though I'm so ready for this year to be gone. It's been nothing but drama and heart ache for me and my family and I'm completely over it (the year not the heart ache). 2015 has got to be better! I am willing it to be better! lol

We are done Christmas shopping. Except for D's grandma and mine. We don't know what to get my grandma honestly. The one thing I'm sure she would like, is something I can't give her (I know because I want it to). We're probably going to stick with our original idea of a Costco membership. Which is fine. She'll use it. She likes to buy things in bulk to save time (and sometimes money). Then she won't have to go with me, she can go on her own if she chooses to.

December 22, 2014

{I need a bigger house or Less junk!}

I would honestly take either option at this point. I am so tired of stepping over things and stubbing my toe on things in the middle of the night. I try to clean but when you don't have a whole lot of places to put things you're kind of limited.
When the people you live with use every crack and crevice of your home as a storage space, it's even harder to keep things organized. So I'm on a mission to get rid of things. I've been slowly selling off American Girl things but it seems to have slowed quite a bit. I have a little left to sell though. I'm going through my closet to rid myself of things I don't need as well. I'm hoping someone picks them up.

December 20, 2014

{3 Days to Christmas!!}

Well 3 days til the day before Christmas Eve.
At this point I have been hurrying to get my house presentable enough to take pictures Christmas morning. Which means I clean and clean some more every single day. Yet, my house still looks like a bomb exploded. Why is that?
We are done Christmas shopping other than for grandparents. I'm so glad. I hate last minute shopping. D said last night that we could go this weekend and spend a little more on them if I want, but to be honest, they are all getting what they wanted. I might go beef up Gaiges under the tree stuff. He just wanted money though so that kind of makes it even harder than usual to shop for him. But he's getting that rifle so I don't think he'll pay much attention to anything but that lol.

December 19, 2014

December 17, 2014

{Christmas Tag!!}

Since nothing exciting is happening today, I went in search of a tag. I love these! So here we go!
1. Do you like to stay in your PJ’s, or dress up for Christmas? Well, that depends on the plans for the day. When I was growing up we would go to my grandparents farm and that required clothes. But last year I went to my moms grandparents and they don't care what I wear lol. So PJ pants and a T-shirt it was!
2. If you could only buy one person a present this year, who would it be? That is impossible. I have 3 kids and I'm an aunt. No could I just buy for 1 person.
3. Do you open your presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? We do 'Christmas Eve Boxes' with PJs and a movie in them. But actual gifts are opened in the morning.

{Starting Over: Getting Fit}

I know I've said not too long ago that I'm getting my ass back in the gym, but to be honest I haven't been. I just can't seem to make myself go, and I find all kinds of excuses not to. I'm too tired, my back hurts, my head hurts, I'm sad, it's cold. Ugh! I just want to slap myself and scream "Get your ass up and Go!!" But then something hit me today, I was doing really good and I fell off the wagon. If I'd have stuck with it, I'd be half way to where I wanted to be by now. I started weight watchers in January last year. It's not December and I've gained back almost all of what it took me so long to lose in the first place. I'm so mad at myself!

December 16, 2014

{Another Christmas Program!}

On Monday my nephew had his Christmas program. Usually all of us go, my sister, her bf, my grandparents, and me with my kids. But this year the school did tickets and she only got 5 seats. Such BS. They wouldn't have to do that if they didn't have it in the smallest room of the high school. When I was in school they had it in the gym of that school. Plenty of room. Anyway, it was super cute! Mainly because he was in it and I heart that little monkey! They sang All I want for Christmas (is my two front teeth) and that Alvin and the Chipmunks song.

December 15, 2014

{I found pics!}

I love looking at old pictures. It one of my favorite things to do. So when I find some I haven't seen in a long time, I get kind of excited. Which is what happened today. I found an SD card in Gaiges room and decided to see what was on it (I'm a nosy mom like that). This is what I found.

December 14, 2014

{Boring Life = Boring Blog}

I'm sorry I haven't been blogging much lately. Even though I have no idea how many people are actually reading it lol. But I'm sure anyone who has lost someone close to them they understand. There just hasn't been that much to write about. I'd had every intention of doing blogmas this year but with pawpaw passing (oh my god that cuts like a knife) I haven't been in the Christmas Spirit. Which is sad because he wouldn't have wanted me to be like this. Not because of him. So I'm gonna attempt to get to doing some real blogging and not just about how sad I am.

December 12, 2014

{We Found Donnie!!}

I don't remember tmnt toys being so hard to come by last year. I guess the release of the new movie made everyone a little turtle crazy.
Owen picked out some tmnt action figures at Toys R Us the other day and they only had 2 (mike and raph) so that's what we bought. I have been on the hunt for the other 2 ever since. And yesterday we finally found another one at Target. Donnie of course! Now all we need is Leo and he should be set :).

December 10, 2014

{I said Goodbye}

I'm holding on by a thread today. I know that with time comes healing but for right now, a week later, it doesn't feel like there will ever be a moment that my heart is breaking.
The funeral was nice. I was nervous to see him that way. But he looked like himself. Like he was just going to wake up. He looked like he did so many times when I'd walked in their house and seen him on their couch. Snoring away lol. I expected him to sit up and say "hey Kristin what are you guys up to?" But he didn't. He just laid there.

December 8, 2014

{Christmas Songs!}

Tonight was Owens Christmas program at school. I know what you're thinking, "you've just lost someone you love dearly, why would you even attempt to go to something like this?" The answer is simple. My grandpa would have been so upset with us had I not gone. He would have never let us skip something for the kids because of him, never. And so I refused to skip it tonight. I'm glad I went. I cried a little, as the seat next to my grandma was empty. The seat he would have been sitting in. And his presence was missed at Steak 'N Shake after (it's tradition). But we powered through the hurt and the tears and it was a good night :).

December 7, 2014

{I Cry a Lot}

My world has been shattered. It will never be the same and for the life of me I don't think I'll ever be the same. I'm lost now. I'm lost and I don't want to be found because that is facing a reality far too painful to face.

On December 3rd at 11:15 pm, lying on my grandmas favorite couch, my grandpa passed away.

December 2, 2014

{ #blogmas Day 2: Christmas Eve Boxes}

I found this idea on Pinterest last year and thought it was an amazing idea. Our Christmas Eve is pretty laid back these days. We go to D's grandmas around noon and then the rest of our day is just hanging out at home. Sometimes we bake cookies or play games but I love the idea of new jammies and watching movies and eating popcorn. Its fun times!
Now last year I didn't get boxes I went ghetto and did bags. This year I went to Hobby Lobby and got some cute boxes this year. I can't wait for the kids to see them and open them. I already have them under the tree lol.

December 1, 2014

{32 Random Questions Tag! #youtube }

1.) Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? I don't have closet doors.

2.) Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Not usually. Most of the time they are crappy so I leave them alone. I travel with my own shampoo/conditioner

3.) Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? The flat sheet is tucked in at the bottom but the rest of the blankets aren't.

November 30, 2014

{The Countdown is On!}

It's OK to start talking about Christmas now right? I mean, it's after Thanksgiving and Black Friday is behind us. Lets be honest, I started talking about next Christmas the day after last Christmas lol. It's my favorite holiday.

I'm slightly ahead of the game this year. I've got Dawn completely done for under the tree gifts, and her stocking is pretty much full. I'm going to add some candies and maybe a book to it just to fill out the top since everything seemed to drop to the bottom last night when I was checking it out lol. She is going to be very pleased with what she is getting this year. Mainly because it's what she asked for lol.

November 27, 2014

{One Boring Thanksgiving}

Usually on the holidays I get up semi early, get showered and start doing my getting ready routine. Then I wake the kids up and make sure they've got all their clothes ready. Then I finish getting ready. We are usually out the door after a few fights and a little more yelling than I would like. But today this was not the case.
I got up around 930 to D already in the kitchen. He had put the turkey in the oven and had peeled and quartered the potatoes. We couldn't really make anything else until the turkey was about half way done since nothing else was going to take 3hrs to cook. So we hung out and watched the Macy's parade until I could peel myself off the couch. I made the green bean casserole, corn, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. I put the pumpkin pie in the oven also.
By noon everything was ready and we one eating our first round by about 12:30. That never happens lol.

D and I headed to the hospital after that to see my grandpa who is in with pulmonary fibrosis. He is looking much better than I thought he would be. They actually think he might be coming home tomorrow. We shall see :).
So in all it was a pretty boring day. Just the way I like it these days :).

November 25, 2014

{Just Another Thankful Post}

I'm planning on doing a whole Thanksgiving post on Thursday since I'm doing all the cooking this year at home. But I thought I'd go ahead and do my What I'm thankful for post now :). I know that everyone is doing them, it's just a part of the season. Deal with it.

For starters my husband. As much as he might annoy the piss out of me sometimes, I'm glad it's him that's doing it. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me (apart from my kids) and I could not imagine my life without him. Our relationship might not be normal to some. We name call and joke around about things that might cause fights between other couples, but not us. We're just...not normal to be honest. And not just all that, but I know I can count on him to be there for me. Just like when I was sick. I knew that he would come rescue me and do everything he could to make it better. And he did. Sure he didn't get my texts until 30min later but when he did he came home. I'm thankful for that. Other husbands might not have been so willing to leave work and come take their sick wife to the ER.

When I'm talking about being thankful, I can't forget to mention my kids. They all 3 try my patience sometimes. They all 3 make me want to pull out my hair and I know one of them will push me over the edge someday and I'll end up crazy pills. But I love them all anyway. Owen is such a sweet boy. Always so worried about other people. And so curious about everything. Gaige is the same, worried about how everyone around him is. He will probably the one of the 3 that the other 2 can call and he will come running no matter what he's doing or what they need. He's a great big brother. Dawn has come a long way herself. I've come to realize she's never going to be like the boys, and that's OK. As long as she can make it through high school, I've done my job right?

Although some people don't understand it, my dogs are something I'm beyond thankful for too. Sure they poop on the floor every chance they get and Boss is so grumpy it's ridiculous. But with losing Lina this October I have really come to appreciate them even more. Boss definitely got me through it. Dogs are just dogs to some people, but my dogs are family to me.  They're like 2 furry farting babies lol.

Last on my list of things to be thankful for, but certainly not least, is my grandparents. Most specifically my grandpa. As most people know, my parents were not ideal. They were both wrapped up in their own little worlds when we were growing up. Since they were really just kids themselves when they started, it's not that surprising. But my grandparents really stepped in and made sure we were taken care of. Spoiled even. To be honest, we got by with a ridiculous amount of stuff lol. My grandpa worked day and night to make sure that we had so much more than we would have if we wouldn't have had them. He kept me in backstreet boys merchandise until I was 18 for crying out loud lol. We went on trips every summer. We were well loved as kids. And now I'm thankful that my kids get to spend time with him. Gaige especially has bonded with him like nothing I have ever seen before. I'm so glad Gaige had a grandparent like him.

So yeah, there we go. I'm done. So tell me, what are you most thankful for this year?

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November 18, 2014

{Well That was Unpleasant}

I woke up Friday morning (probably around 4-5) so cold I couldn't even uncover long enough to put my PJ pants and slipper socks back on. I scooted as close to my little oven (Owen who I often refer to as my personal space heater lol) as possible and tried to go back to sleep. I did. I felt kind blah and yuck the rest of the morning but ended up going to the lawyer with D to finalize some things about our will and make changes.

It wasn't until I was sitting in the car waiting for Owen and Dawn to get let out of school that it hit me hard again. I got the chills so bad it was making my body hurt. Now, I can take pain. I've got tattoos, I've piercings, and let's not forget I've been through labor and delivery twice (once with no drugs what so ever). So I'm not a wimp about pain. But this hurt more than all of that. When I had to walk up to the doors to get Owen that day I thought my body was going to break in two from the pain. My back was killing me and of course his teacher (who is the last to come out) was late getting them out there. So I stood there for a good 10 minutes longer than I do any other day while most of the other kids from the other classes were gone already. I was a teeth chattering mess by the time he got out to me and the short walk to the car was the most horrendously long walk I've ever taken in my life. I had the heat on full blast the whole way home and my teeth were still chattering and I was in tears by the time I got to the house.

I don't think I'd ever been so glad to see my grandma sitting in my driveway either. She was there to get Gaige (as usual on Fridays) and I had her take me up to the gas station for water of all things. I needed to fill my Mt Dew jug with delicious purified soda fountain water. I did that. I cried and told her I didn't feel good and gave her all my symptoms. There was nothing she could do really but I cried about it anyway.

So over the weekend I ended up bouncing between freezing to death and sweating my ass off constantly. If I wasn't doing one I was doing the other. No middle ground at all. But this morning I just couldn't handle it anymore. I was so hot I couldn't stand it. I crawled off the couch and laid on my hardwood floor for about an hour before I text D and told him to come home and take me to the hospital.

I never voluntarily go to the doctor when I'm sick. There are enough cold meds at Walgreen's that will usually take care of what's ails you. So I don't bother spending my $20 copay for them to tell me to take something I probably have in my cabinet. I also don't call D at work. Ever. I might text him or Facebook message him so that he can check it when he can but I have never called him at work. But I did this morning. Twice. After 3 text messages.

He took me to the hospital here in town and thank god it was dead in there. I had a 101 temp and they started off thinking whatever it was was viral. They did a chest xray and checked my pee. Turns out I had a kidney infection. Not fun. They gave me some drugs and hydrated me and sent me home with a scrip. I hate taking medicine.

To be honest though I'm feeling a lot better right now. Not as light headed as I was and I don't feel like I'm going to die. So there's that. I'm kind of relieved it wasn't the flu because as soon I got over it D would have gotten it and he would have ended up having to go to work like that. I don't like it when he goes to work anything less than 100%. It freaks me out.

And while we're talking about D I jut have to say that he is an awesome husband. He did all the laundry (even folded towels!) and cleaned the house while I was incapacitated. He even vacuumed and made sure Dawn did the dishes. I believe I'll keep for a while longer :).

So that was my fun filled weekend. I hope no one else's was worse.

November 9, 2014

{A Thanksgiving Change}

For as long as I can remember I've always gone to someones house for Thanksgiving. When I was a kid it was always at my grandma's house. She would get up and the crack of dawn to make the turkey and start doing anything extra. The table was set and everyone showed up ready to stuff themselves and engage in conversations about bodily functions (lol). Then as I got older my aunt started having the dinners. The same things would take place at her house, except we would also play games around the table. Last year my uncle took over and it was pretty much the same scene. The faces often change from year to year as people grow up and get married, spending their holiday with the other side of the family, but it's still all pretty much the same conversation.

This year, though, D has requested that we stay home. He wants to just have a thanksgiving with us and our kids at our house. I'll cook the food. I thought that maybe he would invite his grandma over but I guess he isn't into that idea. He says she's not doing anything this year.

So I'm guessing you can all see where I'm going with this post. D and I will stay home. I'll cook and then I'll clean up after it. We won't sit around and talk, we will most likely eat in the living room and watch TV just like we do every single day. And it won't be the Thanksgiving Day Parade like we watch at my family's house. It'll be a movie or show that no one can really agree on. I'll end up playing referee to the kids like I do every day.

Owen will end up eating cereal because he doesn't like any of the food made. All while watching youtube on his tablet.

I really don't want to do this this year. I like to be around family. At the same time though, I know why D doesn't like to go to other peoples house. His asthma always makes it a pain with people smoking (even if it's not in the house) and pets roaming around or on peoples clothes. I know what you're thinking, Go without him!, but then I feel bad because it's thanksgiving and he's sitting at home doing nothing.

I really hope it doesn't suck this year. If it does, I'm sure you guys will hear about it lol.

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November 2, 2014

{Halloween & Selling my Childhood}

Happy Halloween Everyone!! Nothing exciting happened this year. Gaige went off on his own in my hometown, Owen wouldn't get out of the car, and Dawn was the only one that wanted to trick-or-treat.
 My little Bumble Bee at his school Halloween party! :)

 LOL His halloween parade.

 Deadly Wed lol. She hated her hair.

Me and my goober. He was being a heathen.

They didn't get a whole lot of candy. Which was fine with me after spending all that money on cavities 2 months ago. We were going to do a buy back at the dentist, but they didn't even get enough for that. So I don't see the point. It was a good time though.

My grandma and I have decided to sell off my part and her part of my American Girls collection. So I spent the better part of Friday night (after we got home) and all of Saturday going through things. I really wish she would have waited for my sister or I to help her pack things up. Nothing is together. Nothing. I spent most of my time sifting through small pieces of large sets and trying to find everything so that I could sell it all together. I'm still missing pieces. Hell I'm missing large pieces of furniture. How does that even happen? But I have enjoyed going through it all and remembering how much time I actually spent playing with it. I would dress and re-dress. Do their hair over and over. I was so careful with all of them. I loved them so much!

Molly (above) was my first. I loved her. I wanted her so bad! So my mom made me a deal that if I quit sucking my finger (Yes, I did that) I could get her. Well, it was tough, but obviously I got that under control lol. I took her with me all over. And she was sort of the jumping off point for American Girl. Once I got her I needed her clothes and books and trunk. I then got Addy. Her books were my favorite to read.

But now that I'm older, I have come to the realization that I don't have a reason to keep any of it. I've wanted to give some of it to Dawn but she is so vindictive when it comes to me that she ends up destroying things she knows are mine. I don't think I would be able to handle it if she got pissed off at me and decided to destroy one of them to get back at me. So its best for me to just sell it off and then I don't have to worry about what's happening to it all.

Its selling pretty fast. At least the small things. I've yet to sell anything bigger than a doll :(. I'm hoping eventually though ya know? Mainly because its all sitting in my dining room lol. 

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October 25, 2014

{A Moms Day Out}

Every year around this time the Civic Center hosts the Women's Lifestyle Show. There are all kinds of vendors and speakers. I had never been but have always heard about it. This year my sister-in-law asked me, my sister, and my other SIL if we wanted to go with her. Tickets were just $10. So we all met up and I drove us over there. We spent our time roaming from one booth to the next. Entering contests and gathering the free loot.

On a whole it wasn't that fabulous. It was quite a bit of standing and then walking and standing around some more. But it was a good girls day out. It was certainly better than sitting around the house.
The highlight of the whole thing for me was the dogs for adoption lol.

We went to eat at Crust afterwards. It was good. I had some yummy taco pizza *drools* my favorite.

After that we headed to Ross and I snagged this adorable bag for Dawn for Christmas. I think I might go back and pick her up the matching wallet if its still there. *fingers crossed*. She's getting to the age where she is seeing her friends carry one and such. So naturally she is wanting to carry one too. Plus the bags she has are ugly lol. Its a Betsy Johnson Be Mine Mini Speedy in Bone and Black. Its adorable! I want one just like it lol. The wallet is small and matches exactly. And the best part? It was $17 at Ross from the original price of $40. The wallet is only $13. I'm slightly excited about it lol.

We went home after that. Then D and I took Dawn and Owen out to PMC. They were having some kind of bonfire but we got there late and it was pretty much over. We did get to go on a hayrack ride though. The first for Owen :).

After that it was dinner at Steak N Shake. Then a trip to Halloween City for Dawns costume. Owen was freaked out of course (how we got a kid so scared of all things Halloween is beyond me) and D scared the shit out of him. *sigh* Poor baby.

And now we're home. Watching Halloweentown until I can get to bed :).