December 30, 2011

{I picked a good one}

I know that I should be doing my annual ‘birthday post’ since it IS G’s birthday today! I can not believe he is already 9 years old. Where the time has gone I have no clue. It feels like I was just coming home from the hospital with him a week ago and yet now he’s all independent and amazing. I have loved every single second of the last 9 years and I wouldn’t trade those moments for anything in the entire world. He changed my life is so many amazing ways that I could not imagine having taken any other path but the one I did. He, even though he hates it, will always be my baby boy. No matter how old he is and no matter what life has planned for him. *tear* I could cry right now. That boy is so much to me and I could breathe without him. When he was a baby I used to tell him “I would curl up and die without you” and I still remember asking him, “What would you do without your mommy?” the first time and he said, “I’d curl up and die”. Oh there they go..the tears. Damn things.

‘04 Lord I love that boy.

 But I also have to talk about someone else in this post. I try not to talk too much about my relationship with D on here, mainly because I don’t think its anyone else’s business. But I have got to brag for just a minute.

We have been together 7yrs, a month after we’re married it will be 8yrs. Which in todays terms is probably equal to 50 LOL. Obviously I love him. And when I’m asked I can spout off a few reasons why, but the main one? Because he treats my son, like his own. Because not ONCE in 7yrs has G ever been his “step-son” or his “girlfriends kid”. He has always been “his” since we started living together. Always. And now is no different. We are stretched pretty thin this year. D has been working weekends and going to school during the day, he got the opportunity and we decided that in the long run it was what was best for our family. But it makes things a little harder than they would be if he was just working 40hrs a week. So we weren’t planning on spending a whole lot per kid on Christmas this year. We got their lists and tried to get as much of what they wanted on our budget, they ended up with a great list of gifts and were extremely happy. We had gotten pretty much all of the shopping done early, including G’s birthday gift (night vision goggles from bass pro). Well then my grandma mentioned that G had a list at her house too. Everything that was on his list here was on the list there except he added one extra thing to her list..a Nintendo DS. So I talked to D. I asked him what we should do, should we take back the goggles? He said no, just wrap the goggles for Christmas and we’ll figure out how to get the DS for his birthday. So I did. And we did.


It can't just be a game bag!

Thanks mom!!

Nintendo Dsi XL Super Mario Edition. He is a happy camper.

And it's because of things like the above, that I love D so much. He didn't have to give up the last of his spending money to make G happy, he did it because he loves him.

December 27, 2011

{Merry Christmas–a day late-}

Christmas Eve:

D and I took the kids to his grandmas house to open gifts in the morning.








Christmas Day

G woke me up at 7:15am. Brat.

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Christmas Day we also went to my dads family Christmas but I was in charge of passing out the gifts so I didn’t get any pictures snapped Sad smile. Oh well. And yesterday we went to D’s dads house but now I can’t find my camera cord! grr! I hate it when I lose stuff! I’ll post pics of that when I find it LOL.

And now, I leave you with this little video I took of Drama Queen. She got an MP3 player from us..she likes it a little.

December 20, 2011

{I heart Hard Candy!}

Rarely (if ever) have I reviewed something on this blog, but I love this line of cosmetics so much that I can’t not tell my readers (hello? Are you out there??) about it! It’s Hard Candy and sold exclusively at Walmart (they take paypal people!).

I have been a Cover Girl lover since I first started wearing make-up and rarely do I venture into another section to purchase make-up. I have always found that most of the other brands are either cakey or just don’t work with my skin (oily..thanks dad!). But when I was wandering through walmart a few months back I saw this line and fell in love with the packaging alone. I thought it was fun and girly. 2 things I enjoy LOL. I didn’t purchase though because it seemed kind of expensive for the amount you get. With 4 kids I try not to spend much on make-up. Which is why I buy CG because it last me forever. But recently I had a pretty good amount in my paypal account and it was burning a hole in my cyber pocket. It occurs to me that I should finally take the plunge and go ahead and purchase this line since I wasn’t going to be able to use the money outside of the computer (thanks for that PNC!). Plus, I’m trying to build my make-up collection for the wedding, since I’m doing my own make-up, I want to know what I’m doing. I don’t want to look like a crack head who went crazy with the eye shadow. Right?

I finally happened upon the primer which I had been wanting to try (Elle says it’s a must in most of her tutorials) for a long time, added that to my cart. And since I have such crazy under eye circles I decided to purchase the Glamoflauge concealer. For these 2 products (plus tax & shipping) it was $17.22! Probably cheaper to just buy it at the store but whatever LOL.

The minute I opened it I went to try it out! The primer is amazing! It made my skin SO soft and my foundation went on so smooth and evenly. I loved it! Then came the Glamoflauge concealer..also amazing! You only need a tiny dot to do your entire eye (which I did). It was awesome! I could still see a little dark but not near as much as without it or with the concealer I’ve been using (which was useless).

My next purchase from them is going to be the eye shadow I think.

But you girls MUST head on over to either or walmart store and pick some of this awesomeness up!

{T-minus 4 Days! Are you done shopping??}

We pretty much are! Which is basically a first for us…ever. We are usually scrambling on Christmas Eve trying to finish everyone up. But this year we just have a couple people to shop for this week & none of them are our kids! LOL I like that. We started by shopping online this year, and I kept track of what we were buying with my Christmas List App. I tell you what, for someone who likes to be organized this time of year, that thing was a life saver. Mainly my life because D gets really tired of me realizing the day before Christmas that we have entirely too much for 1 person and not near enough for someone else LOL. It didn’t happen with that app though!

So here is our gift run down for Christmas 2011!



  1. Laptop (which was a combined birthday & Christmas from us & D’s grandma)
  2. Large DS game case (cause of right now they are floating through out the up stairs)
  3. Watch (this is going in his stocking but he needs one badly to remember to take his meds on time)
  4. Gloves (stocking)


Drama Queen

  1. Body wash (stocking)
  2. Books (that I for .25 ea. at Big Lots!)
  3. Claire’s Gift Card (to get her ears pierced)
  4. Color Purse (you color it in how you want. Super cute!)
  5. Ear Rings (Stocking)
  6. Gloves (stocking)
  7. Slippers (stocking)
  8. Monster High Sketch Book
  9. Mp3 Player (she has been bugging us for one forever!)
  10. Slap Bracelet (stocking)
  11. Watch (stocking- also something she has been wanting)



  1. Bath robe with skulls on it!
  2. Body Wash (stocking)
  3. Bow glove
  4. Night Vision Goggles
  5. Pirate Chest (costumes a split gift)
  6. Walkie Talkies
  7. Watch (stocking)
  8. Gloves (stocking)


Little Boy

  1. Imaginex Bat Cave
  2. Body Wash (stocking)
  3. Watch (stocking)
  4. Cape (stocking)
  5. Pirate Chest (split with G)
  6. How to train your dragon movies
  7. Groom & Go Toy Story 3 (a “shaving kit” for little boys)
  8. Jokers “House” to go with Bat Cave
  9. Penguin Set (to go with Bat Cave)
  10. Riddler Set (to go with Bat Cave)
  11. Lightening McQueen Car (stocking)


When I look at it all written out like that, I am still short a couple gifts. But I can easily go make them up this week. Nothing big, something small. We also tried to stay on a budget with each kid. And a lot of the Drama Queens gifts were far more expensive than what the other kids got.

But I’m excited to watch them open their gifts. I can’t wait to see their faces on Christmas morning.

So, what did you get your kiddos this year?