May 14, 2015

{I am Getting Older}

Ain't that the truth ladies?? I'll take a year older any day over being growing another human. Ugh.

That's exactly what happened yesterday too, I got a year older. So sad.

The day went fairly smooth. I wasn't planning on anything big. I don't celebrate my birthday like that anymore. Plus, this being the first year with my grandpa, wasn't feeling a big party or even a family dinner to be honest. I just wanted to curl up and go to bed.

D surprised me with a card that was super sweet and a DVD/Blu-Ray combo pack. He also gave Owen a card to give me :). I'm a lucky woman.

My grandma took me out to lunch at Chili's. Where I ate too much. Then we ventured to Ulta, where I purchased two knew Essie polishes. (Left: Eternal Optimist, Right: Where's my Chauffeur)

 At Ross I picked up an outfit for Dawn since her birthday is Monday (she's turning 13). I was in search of a new wallet but I can't seem to find one that screams take me home with you! so I didn't get one.

We went to Gordmans too but neither of us bought anything there. I don't usually find anything at that store lol. They say everything is so on sale and cheap but I've found the same items at Ross for sometimes $20 less! Not very cheap in my book.

Then we went to Deals, but I didn't buy anything there either.

By the time we were checked out at Deals my foot was hurting and I really just needed to go home. So she took me back to my house and we picked up the kids to get ice creams at the little place up the street. So good!

D made dinner, brats, baked beans, and corn on the cob. None of which sounded good to me lol. I'm not really a brats kind of girl. I only like them on an open fire. Call me country if you want, that's how most meat should be cooked in my eyes ;) But it was super nice of him to make me dinner just the same :).

He also picked me up a yummy cake! With pink sparkly candles of course lol.

I ended up getting a headache later that evening and going to bed around 6pm. Not the best way to end my birthday but certainly better than it could have been.

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