Gaige is going to the bathroom. Then he comes back down for a "quick drink" which means he'll be back down soon to pee again. Or he's hungry. "I didn't eat dinner!" Bullshit kid. I made food. I saw you eat said food. Go to BED!
Owen is the same. Except he wants to take a snack up stairs. He just came down for a single serving of ice cream (one of those 10/10 cups at Kroger), chips, and a Capri Sun. He will be back down in about 15min to "kiss me goodnight". It's never that simple though. He usually ends up saying something along the lines of "Is dad going to work tonight?" Are you kidding me? He knows he goes to work pretty much every night lol. So it's his way of saying he wants to get in my bed. I send him in there and then he wants another snack. I think he believes that since he switched sleeping spaces that he should get to do his routine all over again. Sorry kid. No. That is not how we operate. Go to BED!
All of this is followed by me hollering up the stairs for them to go to sleep until about 9pm when I holler at them to turn the tablets off. Which Gaige doesn't actually do I don't think. He just turns it down real low so I can't hear it lol. As long as he gets up in the morning for school on time and doesn't fight with anyone, I don't care about that though.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who fights with their kids to go to sleep?
Oh, Dawn gives me fights too about it. Can't leave her out right? It's usually a bathroom break, then she wants a drink, then of course she has to pee again, then she realizes she didn't take a shower. Well too bad, you're going to school stinking lol. Of course this leads to her melt down and telling me I'm a horrible parent for not letting her shower. I'm a horrible parent no matter what I do with her so it doesn't faze me too much to be honest. (by the way, as I was typing this, Dawn came down and had to pee for the 2nd time).
I long for the days of empty nesting.

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