May 4, 2015

{TMI #YoutubeTag | 50 Questions About Me}

I love answering survey questions. I don't know why. I just always have. So here is one of them! You should fill it out and let me know you did so I can read your answers!

1. What are you wearing?
A ninja turtle t-shirt and underwear. It's 5:30am people. I'm still sitting in bed lol.

2. Ever been in love? I got married three years I'm gonna go with yes to this one.

3. Ever had a terrible break up? Terribly heart breaking, only when my husband (then boyfriend) and I broke up. That nearly killed me. But before that no. There have been drama filled break ups. But nothing more than that really.

4. How tall are you? 5'7"

5. How do you weigh? Last time I weighed in I was 196 :)

6. Any tattoos? 3

7. Any piercings? Just my ears right now. In the past I've had my cartilage, nose, tongue, and belly button.

8. OTP? I had to google this. Apparently it means One True Pairing. I don't even know lol.

9. Favorite show? Once Upon a Time, Grey's Anatomy, Mob Wives, Anything having to do with hauntings.

10. Favorite Band? Backstreet Boys. This was a no brainer lol. I do love Florida Georgia Line though and The Band Perry and a bunch of other country artists.

11. Something you miss? :(...Pawpaw...

12. Favorite Song? Love Me Like You Mean It- Kelsea Ballerini is one right now.

13. How old are you? 31 almost 32 Ugh.

14. Zodiac Sign? Taurus

15. Quality you look for in a partner? Sense of humor. I love a guy who can make me laugh!

16. Favorite Quote? The couples who are meant to be are the ones you go through everything designed to tear them apart, and come out stronger.

17. Favorite Actor? Umm...I like Mila Kunis. I also really enjoy Ryan Reynolds. He is hilarious!

18. Favorite color? Pink!

19. Loud or soft music? Depends on my mood and where I am/what I'm doing.

20. Where do you go when you're sad? The bathroom or the bedroom to sob it out.

21. How long does it take you to shower? Usually about 10min. Sometimes longer. Sometimes not.

22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Depends on where I'm going and if I feel the need to put make-up on to go there lol. Usually 20-30min.

23. Ever been in a physical fight? Only with a sibling or relative. And we were just playing.

24. Turn on? I have no idea. Ask my husband. He seems to know what works lol.

25. Turn off?  Bad breath. *Shudders* And assholes. No one likes an asshole guys. 

26. Reason I started my blog/ Youtube? I love to write. And back in the day it was actually about writing about your kids and not making money.

27. Fears? Snakes! Oh how I hate snakes!

28. Last thing that made you cry? I cry a lot these days..

29. Last time you said you love someone? The husband when he left for work tonight.

30. Meaning behind your youtube name? Just4CrazyKids...pretty sure that explains itself lol

31. Last book you read? I just finished the hacker series by Meredith Wild. Loved it! 

32. Book you're currently reading? I'm not right now.

33. Last show you watched? Teen mom OG

34. Last person you talked to? My brother on facebook.

35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted? I believe that was my sister.

36. Favorite Food? Sushi!! And Pizza. I love them both. Not at the same time though lol.

37. Place you want to visit? I want to take the kids to Florida so bad I can taste it! Hopefully next summer :)

38. Last place you were? Target.

39. Do you have a crush? Sure do.

40. Last time you kissed someone? I give my little kisses all the time :)

41. Last time you were insulted? To be honest I don't really get insulted or offended too much. I don't give a rats ass what people think of me. And I'm too laid back to worry about what other people are doing.

42. Favorite Flavor of Sweet? I have no idea what this it candy? Cause I like chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate!

43. What instrument do you play? I'm not really very musically inclined.

44. Favorite piece of jewelry? My wedding set & the necklace D got me for Valentines Day this year :)

45. Last sport you played? Sports are stupid lol.

46. Last song you sang? A random one on the radio yesterday.

47. Favorite pick up line? I have no idea. 

48. Have you ever used it? I don't have one.

49. Last time you hung out with anyone? Other than the people I live with? Good lord. Um, it would have been at least 2 months ago and I think I went to lunch with my grandma.

50. Who should answer these questions? All the people!! 

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