May 23, 2015


D left me for the Springfield Mile early this morning. Well, not exactly early lol, he didn't walk out the door until almost 10am because he was waiting for his dad to be ready. But still, he's gone. I'm super bummed I couldn't go. The mile was one of the first road trips we ever went on. I loved it! I love anything that puts me on the back of a bike for any extended period of time though. Unfortunately though I couldn't walk without my boot this year obviously, so I had to stay behind. Next year though I am absolutely going!

So my day has been mainly me sitting in the recliner, sitting on the couch, or sitting on the bed lol. I did manage to get out of the house twice though. Once for Sonic for lunch and then for Steak 'N Shake for dinner. Which put me way over my points. But there was nothing in the house to eat and I couldn't walk around Walmart. Since there's no guarantee that I'll get an electric cart, I didn't want to chance getting to the door and there not being one. Annoying. Still I managed to drive myself to both places. I was pretty excited about that! I haven't driven my car since March (the day I broke my ankle actually). That feels like a year when I have been driving every day since the first day of school.

Yesterday I went on Owens field trip to Wildlife Prairie Park. It was a pretty good time. D pushed me around in a wheel chair a lot of the time. He had told me not long ago that they had paved the paths and stuff but that's not exactly true. They laid down fresh white rock, but that was it. Which made it difficult for him to push and for me to walk. It wasn't horrible though. We had lunch there at the park. By the time we got to the Gully Womper (the big slide) my ankle was killing me. I managed to walk the trail there but I refused to walk all the way to the slide or to go up the stairs. I just couldn't do it. So D got his truck and brought it to the top around the other side, I sat there while he watched Owen on the slide and then took the boy we were paired with back to the bus. It was still a good time though :) I'm glad I got to go since I missed out on the last one.

I'm so bored right now I'm sitting here watching Master Chef. Not that it's a horrible show or anything, but for the love of God, this is a Saturday night. My kids are at my grandparents house and I could be out on a date or something with my husband. But no.

I also just got a skype call from both of the boys lol. Owen loves that he can call me anytime he wants when he's not with me. That was a big part of why he never wanted to go with my grandparents. He needs to be able to see me pretty much all the time and if he can't see me when he wants to, it's a problem. He is a serious mama's boy. Gaige was a PawPaw's boy, Owen is a mama's boy lol.

So yeah, that's what's happening today. I guess I should just go before I start rambling. I realized I hadn't blogged since my birthday. So I wanted to pop in and say I'm still alive ;)

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