Yes. That is my brand new laptop! I've had the same laptop for about 8 years now. And as we all know, electronics have a shelf life of about a year, laptops probably 3 years. I've had mine 8. That means I've had it way too long lol. Not to mention it has been dropped, stepped on, attacked by viruses, and had drinks/food spilled on it. I've been debating about getting a new one for a while now but just didn't want to deal with the hassle.
Unfortunately my laptop made the decision for me and it blue screened me a couple weeks ago. PC users will know what that means. So D took me to Best Buy today to look at what they had. Unbeknownst to me he had gone to the store several times over the last few weeks searching for a new one. I chose a good one. It was really down to the one we bought and another that wasn't touch screen. I let him choose since it was a difference of about $60 I think. He obviously chose the touch screen. I'm glad he did. Its been quite the experience trying to set this thing up lol.
I didn't have to do too much of course, it set itself up for the most part. Rather quickly to be honest. Probably faster than my last one. Both are HP's. I don't think I'll own a laptop that isn't at this point. I've been trying to force myself to use the touch screen. It's different that's for sure. And I'm slightly in love with it. I can't wait to really get into it and start watching movies and youtube! It's going to be amazing!
Ya know though, I kind of feel bad. He is able to buy me this awesome piece of technology for Valentines Day and I got him a soft sided gun case and a head lamp for his hat at work. Makes me feel kinda like a douche baggy wife. But that is what he said he wanted lol.
Ah well. I think I'm pretty spoiled. But I'm also so blessed to have a husband that gives me things as nice as this. He works hard to do it and I could never show him as much appreciation as I feel. :) Best husband ever award goes to him!

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