September 10, 2009

{It's the little things}

Until I was a mom, little things did not excite me. Until I was a mom, someone walking across the floor or eating with a fork, did not excite me. And I can tell you right now that someone peeing in the potty did not excite me in the slightest, but yet here I am making a post about someone peeing in the potty! Of course we all know it's my Bug.  He is getting crazy big! Off and on all day long Bug says, "Potty". I put him on the toilet, sit for 10min. and get nothing. He has been going pretty good when daddy puts him on there though so I've just been having D take him when he gets home from work. But yesterday, I got to the joy of a (almost) 2yr old going pee in the potty! Yay! I got so excited I almost peed lol. I clapped and told him how big that was of him and I was so proud! Of course he hasn't done it since. *sigh* But I'm focusing on the positive. My grandmother said that since he knows what he's supposed to do on there, and that he doesn't pee during his naps, then he would probably potty train at night too. She has a couple bed pads that they put on hospital beds; so she's bringing those over tomorrow when she picks up G. I'm hoping that if we get him trained at night, then he'll train soon after during the day. It's sort of bitter sweet. Upside: No more diapers= less money we're spending; Downside: it's 1 more thing that makes him a big boy and not a baby. I'm not ready to let go. At this rate, I'm never going to stop nursing just so I can hold on to that little peice of baby :-). OK OK, so I might stop nursing by the time he's 3. That's a huge maybe though ;-). 

We booked Bug's birthday at Chuck-E-Cheese. Hopefully it's a good time. He has never been there before so we're not sure how he'll react. G was scared shitless of that huge mouse lol. We shall see...and so shall you cause there will be pics.

I got a new SD card for the camera. I have to give the camera back to my sister, but I wanna make sure I get good pics of Bugs birthday. She can take it home after that. My phone takes decent pics for everything else; every day junk. :-)
I am pretty much in love with my dogs. Seriously. I just wanted to convey that lol.


  1. OOh, potty training is around the corner for my little boy. I guiltily admit potty training went very smoothly with my little girl once I introduced bribes in the form of raisins. I wondering if I will do the same this time around.

  2. I am terrified that Bug will be as bad as DM when it comes to potty training. She was so hard to train, but G trained in 1 day. I guess we shall see.
