October 30, 2015

{Pumpkin Carving And Costume Parade!}

It's almost Halloween!!

This is literally the only holiday I can get D to participate in without pulling teeth. He is such a pain in the ass sometimes lol.

This year we actually carved pumpkins, in the past we just sort of forgot about it. This year, however, Owen was pretty vocal about his need to have a jack-o-lantern on the front porch. We waited until yesterday to do it because we didn't see the point of carving any earlier. By the time Halloween rolls around the pumpkins are usually sinking into themselves anyway. We finally picked some up the other day and managed to get them done yesterday!

Of course when I say we carved pumpkins, I really mean D did the carving lol. Gaige did do his own this year though. I think he mainly just wanted to stab something without being yelled at for it.

Today was Owens costume party and parade at his school! D and I picked him up for lunch with McDonalds in hand. We hung out at the park for a little while and then dropped D back at home. And that is where we discovered the fan in Owens costume had blown up. Well, it didn't really blow up, it quit working. We were pretty annoyed by this since it's a $50 costume and the fan had been on for literally 10min total since we bought it a month ago.

He ended up wearing it to the parade and party anyway it just wasn't inflated like it should have been.

The party was a pretty good time as well! Last year it was kind of a cluster but this year it went pretty smoothly!

I supplied the drinks and someone brought in cookies and candy for treat. There was a game of Halloween Bingo also! And this cute mummy magnet that used a picture of them!

So that was pretty much our day! D ended up getting a new fan for the costume (one from adults costume so it would actually last all night). And we had dinner. Gaige went to my grandparents house for the weekend (as usual). I think he's passing out candy at my grandpas shop, but I don't know.

What are you all doing for Halloween?

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