July 14, 2013

{It's almost over!}

I just put the kids school supply lists together using wunderlist (thanks to Tati for recommending it!). I am freaking out a little bit. Not from the amount of stuff I have to get (which all together is 51 items) but that it's almost time to actually buy the stuff on the list. This summer feels like it has gone by so fast. And to my surprise, we didn't have that much drama :). It was a welcome change from last summer I'm not gonna lie. It seemed like there was far more drama that necessary last summer and if you know me, you know I'm not into drama (unless it's on T.V.).

Today I also went shopping. Drama Queen and I first stopped at Target, where I bought the cutest little Minnie Mouse toy!

Nope, this isn't for me lol. My niece is turning 2 years old on the 18th of August. I have been itching to buy one since I saw them like a month ago and when I realized her birthday was so close, I knew this was my chance! Love it! The hardest part was picking which one to get. There were 3 different Minnies, I chose this one cause of the cute little dresses. I might go back and get another one. They're on clearance right now and I don't want to just get 1 when I spent more on my nephews birthday last month. But I'm excited for her to see them :). Maybe she will share and I can play with them too lol.

Since Ulta is right next door to Target I made a stop there too. I was on a mission to find the face peel that I've been searching for for months..and I found it!

This stuff is friggin' amazing!! And since Ulta was having a buy 1 get 1 50% off, I bought both of the above kinds :). 

While at Ulta I also thought I'd give the NYX Pore Filler primer a try. *sigh* It didn't feel as amazing on my hand as the Benefit Porefessionals primer. But I bought it anyway because I'm out of my Benefit and I just can not see spending $32 on it (I bought the $12 sample last time). The NYX one was only $13 ($12.99 actually). I might have to ask for the Benefit one for Christmas or something though cause I flippin' love that shit.

Then we went to Gordmans (next door to Ulta) and I fell in love with a purse and a wallet but I didn't buy them because I didn't want to break D's debit card lol. I'm gonna pick 'em up this weekend though I think :).

At walmart *gag* I wanted to get Little Boy's TMNT lunch box but they were out (so I'll buy it at Target instead). I did find a TMNT pencil case though (and upon looking on the school website I found out that he doesn't even need one *eye roll* so I might take it back and get G or Drama Queen theirs) and a matching backpack!

Little Boy is going to crap himself when he sees this! He is so excited for school (thank God!) and I'm excited to finally get to buy him stuff for it ;).

So that was my day today. Nothing exciting happened and I spent more money than I wanted to lol.

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