July 24, 2013

{Time is Going by too Fast}

In the last few weeks I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off attempting to get all the kids ready for school. I still haven't started supply shopping but I think we will do that with the next check. But I have been running to appointment after appointment. Schools need way too much stuff. Has it always been this way? I don't remember having to go through all this crap when I was in school...maybe I just blocked it out cause it was unpleasant lol.

Anyway today was Drama Queens turn at the doctor. She is 11yrs old (not something I learned today lol), 4' 6" & 61lb. I can't even believe that she is that big already. Wasn't it just yesterday that she was entering pre-k??

Not only that but while we were there waiting for them to bring in her shots (she got 5 by the way) she brought up the fact that she is getting...wait for it...boobs! Yup.

I guess I'm gonna have to take her to get a bra. I can't even believe that she is ready for that already.

And of course with a bra comes the other fun thing about being a female. Or should I say...the "curse" of being a female. I am definitely not ready for any of that. *sigh*

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