January 11, 2014

{#WeightWatchers Week 1}

I don't actually weigh in until Monday morning, but I don't really expect a loss. It has taken me a minute to hit my stride with this whole weight watchers thing. It's different counting points and calories. But as long as I stick to it and measure and don't just guess (which is what I've had to do a few times), I should be OK. Right? Blah.

If you're thinking of getting a membership and you eat out a lot, it's still possible. When I went out to lunch with my sister yesterday she chose the restaurant, and naturally she's a stick so she doesn't worry about what's on the menu lol. Anyway- I checked out the salad side only. I got a beef taco salad. Luckily it came in a small taco shell bowl (which I did not eat) and was filled with hamburger, lettuce, tomatoes, guacamole, and sour cream. I'm sure there were other veggies too but since veggies are a "free" food, I didn't pay much attention. I limited myself to 1 soda and did not get a refill (even though he asked 3 times). I was pretty proud of myself. Today when I went to Subway with Dawn I checked the points before I even went in the store. I got a veggie with a little mayo on 9 grain wheat bread and loaded up on the veggies. I did good!

I still went over my points though. Cause I couldn't help myself lol. But that's why they give you the regular daily points and then 49 extra points for when you want to splurge. I saved those for the weekend.

I really hope that this is something I can stick with and that I can lose weight with. I'm so tired of people calling me fat. Trying to be funny or not, it makes me feel like total shit and I don't want to deal with it anymore.

I'm also going to start walking (weather permitting) again. It's been so cold here but we took the dogs out today and it was enjoyable :) I worked up a sweat anyway. So that's good lol.

So yeah, check my Facebook or Twitter to see what happens with that.


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