October 7, 2013

{Upstairs Revamp: part 2}

D and I got some more carpet pulled up this morning after I dropped the little boy at school. Well, he pulled it and the nails it was put down with and I held the bag and rolled it up. I was happy to see that the floors were still in good shape non that side of the room too. We did find one board by one window that was rotten. We think it rained in that window. The whole board wasn't bad, just a part of it. That was the only problem we saw though (besides the millions of dog pee stains), which is awesome compared to the dining room and living room.

So there you have it. There will probably be another update this weekend cause I want to get some painting done. We shall see though :).


  1. We redid an entire house once. It took six years. And we didn't live IN it.

    We're hoping to redo the one we're in, but with two little ones, and our track record it will likely be triple the time.

    More power to you!

  2. Oh wow 6yrs is a long time to be renovating lol. I don't think I could have handled that. I'm far too impatient. Which is why I start projects instead of just tell husband what I want done ;)

    Thanks so much for stopping by!
