September 14, 2015

{It's Festival Time!}

Fall is finally arriving in Illinois and I've been waiting all summer long! Bring on the hoodies (which I'm currently wearing right now) and slipper socks. Pick up your Pumpkin Spice drink from StarBucks if that's your thing (it is not mine) and curl up with a cozy blanket. Lets not forget the planning for Halloween starts now too! I love Halloween. It's the only holiday D actually wants to participate in without a huff. But most importantly, to me anyway, it's time for festivals!

We have two that we attend pretty much every year (money willing). The first is in our town (I won't give the name since I don't particularly care for crazy people stalking me). We gathered up the kids this past weekend headed up town to the parade. It was freezing. I was glad to have my BSB hoodie ;).

Then it was time to head to the festival. I don't know why I like these so much. It must be the food lol. We didn't go on a lot of rides. Owen and I went on the Ferris Wheel and he went on a couple little boy rides, but that was about it.

We walked around the crafts area after we'd went through our tickets and found a whole lot of the same thing we saw last year. I didn't buy anything for myself, but D bought the boys (and himself) wooden swords. Then I purchased a cute hoodie for Dawn with a P with a bow on it lol. It has to do with her school. She was pretty excited about it.

We were gone until around 3pm (from 9:30am) and stopped off at the Halloween Store (of course). Owen had a mild panic attack walking into the store. I don't know how he's my kid and so scared of decorations.

We managed to pick him out a costume once I got him past the decorations. He chose Baymax. This costume is slightly amazing! It has a built in fan that puffs it out! I've never seen a costume do that before.

Dawn chose Nerd Girl lol. I have to get her a pair of black shorts to go under it because it's super short, but it's really cute! Gaige is going for his usual army guy so D is taking him to the Army surplus store. This is the last year him and Dawn will go trick-or-treating. They can still dress up but I stopped trick-or-treating when I was about 14. I still dressed up, usually as a vampire so that I could wear my own clothes lol.

So that was our weekend. This coming weekend is another festival a couple towns over. I'm getting pumpkin ice cream lol. #yum

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