March 30, 2019

{Well Look Who's Back! | His Mine 'N Ours}

It's good to be back folks! Did you miss me? All 2 of you that actually still read this blog, ha!

I'm not sure why I took such a long break. My last post was back in December. But here I am, back at it like the pro I am!

OK, I'm not a pro. I'm a novice at best. But whatever, I'm here again.

Lets start this one out right, with a little work/life update shall we?


Everything is basically the same. The kids are growing. The dogs are barking. The cats are annoying the crap out of me on a daily basis. Oh...I said cats.

Why yes we do have multiple cats now. Binx is no longer our only feline child! If you follow my vlogs then you probably already know this. Anyway, the stray cat Wini had 5 kittens. Four of them passed within a week. The survivor we named Nermal and she is now terrorizing my entire home and driving me completely insane. I am convinced she strangled the other four in utero. She is the devil. But she's also there's that.

We actually ended up keeping Wini, although we were touch and go there for a while because her ass kept peeing on my laundry! No matter where it was! It was in the hamper and she would get in there and pee on it. Clean clothes? Not anymore. I'm an animal lover and I almost killed her. But then we discovered that she wanted to go outside to potty like the dogs. She would use the litter box only if she absolutely had to. And she didn't have to if there were clothes laying near by. So we started letting her outside to potty and she her behavior changed. Now that it's getting warmer out, she's outside most of the time. We ask her every day if she wants to come in but she just looks at us like we're stupid. So we come in without her. We set her up on the porch again with food/water and a nice warm bed. She got spayed right after Nermal hit six weeks so we know she won't bring home any more babies. That was a traumatic experience I tell you what!

Oh! Gaige got a job! He's currently working at one of those prefab home manufacturers in the town I grew up in. He loves it. We just went tonight and bought him a new phone because his was busted (it was Dave's Note was time for an upgrade). He was pretty proud of himself for being able to hand over the cash to pay the fee for activation and know that he can pay it off in a few checks. I can't even begin to express how proud of him I am. This kid is going places, I just know it!

Dawn still has no job. No desire to even get one. She's gone on a few interviews and she bombed them all. We're starting to wonder if she does it on purpose.

Owen is Owen. Growing. Gaming. Becoming more like his dad every single day. I'm not sure how much I like that actually ha!


I've been in this new position for a little while now, and I've got to say, I kind of enjoy it. I mean, some of the stuff we have to do is from the stone ages. We go through an intense amount of paper in a day. Like, we are killing trees by the thousands. I'm kind of hoping between me and my HR Manager (who I actually work under) we can bring them to the 2000's. Right now I'm printing things I should not have to print off. Posting signs all over the building when a screen saver will suffice and perhaps a text/email blast. One of the women I work with has me print out a copy of a sign onto white paper, and then she has me scan that and print it onto green paper. She is hoping I will just take this over, so I don't plan on doing that anymore ha! Printing it at all is ridiculous, but printing the same thing twice just on different sheets of paper? Come on now. That's just a waste of time and energy and ink/paper.

The recruiting part of my job is going well though. We have hired a bunch of people and lost a bunch of people. We have no idea what is happening. But now my HR Manager has gotten involved with interviewing process. I've got a video coming out soon about the do's/don'ts of how to get a job. Some of the CNA's applying for positions at my facility need to watch it.

The business office part of my job is touch and go for now. I don't know if the lady who "runs" the office just doesn't like me, or she wants me to learn faster than I actually am. Or maybe she's a control freak. I have no idea. She was shooting daggers at me today though when I wasn't in the room and someone else had to hand out a couple checks. For starters, that's not actually my job. I'm supposed to be doing payables. That's what I was hired to do. But she has me doing insurance claims. She says that's what she needed help with. I was no aware that this was actually what I was signing on to do. I hate insurance. I don't understand most of it. So it's taking me a little longer to learn than the other girl she's been teaching how to do this (for a longer amount of time mind you). Blah. I don't know if this part is going to work out. I know I'll catch on to what she wants me to do, but I don't know if I want to spend the next few years doing it?

Dave says that after a year in this job I can basically go anywhere and do the same thing. He says if I want to find somewhere else to work in a year, I should. I might. I haven't decided. We shall see how it goes. Hell, anything can happen in a year right?

So I think that's all I've got for updates right now, we're about to head out on a little day trip to WI with the boys. You'll have to watch the vlogs if you want to see where we're going!



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