September 21, 2018

{And Then There Were Three}

Do you ever get home from work, sit down on your couch, and think to yourself this job is horse shit ? This is literally me every single day for the last week. I'm not even going to lie, I sit down after work (hell, before I even get up to go to work!) and think to myself, I could quit today and find a different job that doesn't suck so bad.

But in the end I do get up and I go and I get my job done. Why? Because I'm not a quitter.

OK. I am. But I'm not a quitter when it comes to this job. It's not hard and I work with my sister. So in all, it's not a bad job.

But it certainly does suck these days. Enough that if I pulled out right now, I don't think anyone would actually blame me. In fact, the husband has actually told me that I can quit if I want to. But I can't. I'm not like that. Plus...I'm a bit of a shop-a-holic and I wracked up a credit card bill lol. I'm a moron..I'm aware.

Why does my job right now you ask?

Well, as of last week, we are down to three employees in the laundry room. Three employees that are doing the job of what is supposed to be six employees.

How did this happen? Oh, well first one of the girls put in her two weeks to focus on school. To be honest, we all knew she wasn't going to be there long. She has other goals. Good for her! Her last day is Monday.

Then that new girl I was telling you about a couple blogs ago? Yeah, she up and quit. A no call/no show. Why? We don't really know. We thought she fit in just fine with us. Maybe we were wrong? Maybe she didn't like it. Either way, she's not there anymore.

Which leaves my sister, a girl who has been on the schedule maybe six times, and myself.

To say that all of this is extremely stressful is an under statement.

Luckily we have the lead in house keeping helping out where she can, but she also has her own job to do. She can't always be in laundry filling in for someone. So we gladly take her help where she can give it, but we are on our own for the most part. Sometimes that means working as two, which means we do the jobs of four shifts, in two shifts.

We are certainly hopeful that we can get someone in there soon. We've had some applications come in. But the first interview was supposed to be tonight and she didn't show.

Why do people do that? Why do they go to the trouble of setting up an interview and just not show up? Why not call and cancel the interview? Why not take the interview and turn down the job if it turns out to be something you don't want? I don't understand the professionalism of people today.

Oh well though. We will end up getting someone in there. We just don't know when.

So that's our main issue at work...and why I contemplate ditching this job every single day.



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