February 9, 2018

{We Are at a Loss | #parentingsucks }

I have attempted to write this post several times and I always discard it. I just don't know how to write what I need to without sounding like an awful parent.

But here I go again, so lets see how far we get this time.

Dawn got caught with another device a couple weeks ago.

I found out when something (once again) told me to check her school email address (which she knows I check semi-regularly). Since she got in trouble for this over Christmas break you wouldn't think that she would attempt it again so soon right? Or at least she would have learned from it and done something different? Nope. Not this kid.

This time she linked an Apple ID to her school email. We do not have Apple products. Not one. So obviously I knew something was up right away.

After digging around some more I found that she had also reactivated one of the Facebook accounts that she had previously made in secret. She had begun adding people she went to school with as well. So that's was another mistake she made. Of course I could have looked at any of their friends and seen her picture and she would have been caught that way too.

Of course I went a little insane having just been through this and she is still grounded from the last time she did it (and probably will be until she's out on her own).

Upon further investigation into the messages on her secret Facebook account, I discovered that she did not have the Ipod Touch any longer.

Where did she get it you might be wondering.

A boy.

He gave it to her on a Thursday, asked her to be his girlfriend that same day (through messages) and by Saturday she told him that she was embarrassed to be seen with him so he wanted the device back come Monday (which I found out about on a Wednesday).

I didn't have the device to look through it obviously. But she had it from Thursday to Monday, a weekend that I was working by the way. She had it down stairs and was taking pictures of herself and the animals all weekend.

I'm just not sure what goes through her head when she's making the choices she makes. She knew that we would find out eventually, but apparently what she wanted right then mattered more to her than her freedom long term. Is that how all teenagers think these days? Or is it just mine?

She's grounded. Obviously. Forever. We also made the choice to not let her take drivers ed this year. She's not responsible enough to handle a phone, I sure as hell don't want her behind the wheel of a car.

And after this last time, because it's a boy she goes to school with now, not just some random guy on the internet, D and I have decided to take some precautions.

We're putting her on birth control.

It's true that this is not something I want to be doing with my fifteen year old daughter. But I really don't see much choice. She lies about everything and can't be trusted to be where she says she is and be doing what she says she's doing (not that she's allowed to be anywhere without one of us anymore). And since she flat out refuses to be any kind of responsible about any of choices, we need to take steps to make sure she doesn't end up another statistic.

I don't know about you, but I'm not wanting to raise a grand kid. And with her being so immature, we would have to. I'm not into that at all.

So, come tomorrow (on my one day off this week) I will be making her an appointment for as soon as possible to get on Depo-Provera (AKA the shot). This way there's no hassle with pills she will fight me tooth and nail to take. I'll just know that she is protected from at least pregnancy for three months at a time.

So that's what my life looks like right now. Please tell me I'm not an awful mom for doing this.



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