August 15, 2018

{Controversial Parenting Questions!}

I'm aware that this is supposed to be a video for YouTube, but I don't really want to get presentable and film it lol. So I thought I'd just do it here! Please feel free to join in the discussion either on Facebook or Twitter or even on Instagram! I'd love to hear your opinion on these questions!

Generally my views on most of these topics are simple...

But since I'm human, I also have opinions about things. So lets jump in shall we?

1. Pro Life or Pro Choice?

Ya know, when it comes to this type of thing I'm pretty in the middle. Although I could never get an abortion (Gaiges sperm donor actually brought it up while I was pregnant with him), I understand that there are grey areas in which a woman might choose that route. Perhaps she was raped? Should she be made to have her attackers child? To know that that monsters baby was growing inside her? No. But should knowing you can have an abortion be a safety net for a promiscuous lifestyle? No. Not at all. You are essentially ending a life before it has really had the chance to start. I don't take something like that lightly and I would hope that any woman making this decision also would not be taking it lightly. Abortion is not a form of birth control. It's a desperate action in a situation where you have no other options.

2. Baby Wearing?

I didn't baby wear. I would have liked to, lord knows I would have gotten more done when Owen was a baby. But I didn't. I feel like anything that makes your life a little easier as a mom, is OK (well, I mean...aside from drugging your kids so they can sleep through the night...but what kind of person does that anyway right?). I assume the controversy in this topic is the whole you hold them too much type of opinion. I don't believe this is a thing in the slightest. Both of my boys were held constantly and both of them are just fine lol. Someone was always wanting to hold the baby, be it a grandparent/aunt/uncle/cousin/sibling, they always got held by someone. Could I lay either one down for a while? Of course. But they weren't hurt by the amount of time they were held as babies either. So pick up your baby!

3. Circumcision?

Both of my boys are circumcised. I didn't ask their fathers, I made the choice. Is it necessary? Perhaps not. But I did it anyway. If you choose not to have your child circumcised, that's fine too.

4. Adoption?

Is this asking if I agree with adoption? Hell yes! I wouldn't have one of my cousins had my aunt and uncle not adopted. Is this asking if I could put a child up for adoption?  No. I have given so much thought to this. When I was pregnant with Gaige I thought long and hard about letting my aunt and uncle adopt him. I was eighteen. His sperm donor and I were hardly in a relationship. He was an alcoholic and an adult child if I'm honest. Not an ideal situation to bring a child into. But in the end, I couldn't do it. It wasn't a decision I could make. I don't regret it. But I certainly feel for any mama who has made this decision. It is not easy.

5. Baby Piercing?

Meh. I'm not into it. I know it's something that lots of moms do but I don't care for it. I like the idea of waiting for the little girl to ask for it. To make it kind of a right of passage. She's getting big and is ready to take on a little responsibility.

6. Breast milk vs Formula?

 I've done both. I'm a firm believer that fed is best.

7. CIO (cry it out) Method vs Other?

No. Absolutely not. I can't do it. I pick babies up when they cry. I can't handle it. I don't want them to "self soothe" they're babies. Pick them up and figure out what the damn issue is!

8. Spanking?

There's a difference between being beat and a swat on the ass to put you in check. If you don't know the difference then perhaps you should just stick with time outs.

9. Co-Sleeping?

Gaige age 5 asleep in my bed.

Owen age 9 months asleep in my bed.

I think that sums up my opinions on that.

10. Home vs. Public vs. Private vs. Charter Schools?

I think you kind of have to do what works for your kids. Owen does great in school! He's social, he enjoys learning. But Gaige does not enjoy school, he never has, so we home school him. It works for him just fine and he's doing great with it!

11. Vaccinations? 

I do it. I delay a little bit though. I only allow two shots at a time, that way if there's a reaction it can only be one of the two, or the combination of the two. We don't have to figure out which of four was the issue. So they get the two shots that are most important first, then I come back a month or two later and they get the second round. I do feel they're important. But I like to be as safe about them as I can.

12. Medicating Children?
I'm guessing this is talking about ADHD meds and such? We tried them with Gaige, they didn't work. Or they did but we didn't like who he was on them. So we don't use them anymore. I feel like if they work for your kid, use them. If they don't, then don't use them. I am all about doing what works for your kid. I'm not about medicating just so a teacher can get control over a kid. A seven year old is not supposed to be perfectly docile and behaved at all times. They're a kid. They do annoying stuff lol. They talk too much and focus on things they shouldn't sometimes. It's not a huge deal. When their learning is affected by this, that's when someone needs to step in. Not just because a boy is rambunctious. He's a boy. That's how they are.

13. Cloth vs. Disposable Diapers?
How is this controversial? Do what you want. They're diapers. As long as they're not sitting in poo or pee all day, who cares what's on their butt? I used cloth for a little while because the disposable were making Owen break out in diaper rash. Once we found a brand that didn't do that, we went back to disposable. Problem solved.

14. Store bought baby food vs Homemade?

I don't have time for that homemade business. I'll go with the jars every single time. But if you want to do all that work, then you go right ahead. More power to ya mama.

So there we go! What do you think of opinions? Do you have different ones? Tell me about 'em!



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