October 7, 2014

{Field Trip Fun!}

Our adventures today lead us to Tanner's Orchard. A place so many of the people where I am from visit every fall. They load up on their apple cider and apple cider donuts (which are amazing I must say). I, myself hadn't been there since the last time my grandparents took us. In was probably 10..which says about hownhight it is on my list of things to do with my kids lol.

If it had just been me, D, and the kids, I don't think it would have been worth the drive out there. But on a field trip it was a good time had by all. When we arrived we went ahead wondered around on our own for about an hour. The kids (I had two other boys with me) played and ran around to the different parts of the farm. The favorite I would have to say though was the play ground area.

We also stopped to see Spookly the Square Pumpkin.

Later we went on a hay ride. Which contained not one bit of hay. In my day (I sound like my grandma lol) the hay rides were just flat trailers covered in, you guessed it, hay. You had to sit down and hold on. It was good times. I'm not saying this wasn't fun, it was, just not what I was expecting. This was also Owens first hay ride. :)

From there we went apple picking (no pictures) and then took an inside tour of the part where they make apple cider.

We had lunch after that and I was pleasantly surprised that they had coffee to buy. You know I got a caramel apple frappe ;).

Then it was more playing.

We ended up leaving after that.

In all it was a good day :). I know Owen enjoyed himself. And I'm pretty sure the rest of the classes did too. I was wooped on the bus ride home. I love going on these trips with my boy, but I am not a fan of riding the bus.

Until next time folks :)

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