October 22, 2014

{ #90skid Tag!}

I found this tag on youtube when I was searching for 90's kids movies lol. I figured I should do it since, you know, I am a 90's kid. Born in '83. So here we go! And I think anyone that reads this should do it too and let me know in the comments so I can read your answers too! :)

1. Favorite Disney channel original movie? I loved Wish Upon a Star.

2. Favorite music artist? Hmm...this is a tough one...I'm gonna go with Backstreet Boys ;)

3. Favorite Nick Jr. show? David the Gnome was a favorite. Though I can't remember if it was Nick Jr. Or just Nick. I did enjoy the guy who used to talk between shows though "Face" lol.

4. Favorite candy? I'm gonna go with Snickers. That's usually what I got when we would stop at my grandpas gas station after school :)

5. Favorite game? (board game, school game, etc.) Mario on the Nintendo lol. Wow. I'm old.

6. Favorite McDonald's Happy Meal toy?
Cabbage Patch Doll figures. I'm pretty sure my grandma still has a few. She used to put them on her Christmas tree.

7. Favorite book? Umm..well..I read a lot. But Babysitters Club was probably my favorite.

8. Favorite clothing store? Didn't have one. My grandma bought most of my clothes for me and I didn't get much of a choice lol.

9. What would you watch when you'd get home from school?
Power Rangers. Because that's what was on.

10. Favorite TV show? This is hard cause I was a real TV watcher. I liked All That, Keenan & Kel, Gummi Bears, ect.

11. Favorite toys? Barbies.

12. Favorite commercials? I don't even remember any commercials from the 90's lol.

13. Nsync or Backstreet Boys? Backstreet Boys obviously :)

14. Weirdest fashion trend? I didn't really follow fashion. I just kind of wore what I had.

15. Favorite collectable? Barbies. And Precious Places. Pretty sure I have the whole town lol.

16. Favorite Beenie Baby? We had a couple. But I wasn't really into them.

17. How many tamagotchi did you have? Just one. My grandparents got one for each of us for Christmas one year.

18. What was your favorite game system and game?
We had a Nintendo and a Sega and a Dream Cast lol. But I think the Nintendo and Sega were my favorite.

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