October 25, 2014

{A Moms Day Out}

Every year around this time the Civic Center hosts the Women's Lifestyle Show. There are all kinds of vendors and speakers. I had never been but have always heard about it. This year my sister-in-law asked me, my sister, and my other SIL if we wanted to go with her. Tickets were just $10. So we all met up and I drove us over there. We spent our time roaming from one booth to the next. Entering contests and gathering the free loot.

On a whole it wasn't that fabulous. It was quite a bit of standing and then walking and standing around some more. But it was a good girls day out. It was certainly better than sitting around the house.
The highlight of the whole thing for me was the dogs for adoption lol.

We went to eat at Crust afterwards. It was good. I had some yummy taco pizza *drools* my favorite.

After that we headed to Ross and I snagged this adorable bag for Dawn for Christmas. I think I might go back and pick her up the matching wallet if its still there. *fingers crossed*. She's getting to the age where she is seeing her friends carry one and such. So naturally she is wanting to carry one too. Plus the bags she has are ugly lol. Its a Betsy Johnson Be Mine Mini Speedy in Bone and Black. Its adorable! I want one just like it lol. The wallet is small and matches exactly. And the best part? It was $17 at Ross from the original price of $40. The wallet is only $13. I'm slightly excited about it lol.

We went home after that. Then D and I took Dawn and Owen out to PMC. They were having some kind of bonfire but we got there late and it was pretty much over. We did get to go on a hayrack ride though. The first for Owen :).

After that it was dinner at Steak N Shake. Then a trip to Halloween City for Dawns costume. Owen was freaked out of course (how we got a kid so scared of all things Halloween is beyond me) and D scared the shit out of him. *sigh* Poor baby.

And now we're home. Watching Halloweentown until I can get to bed :).

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