December 17, 2018
November 19, 2018
{20 Questions No One Asks!}
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Um. I believe it was Owen. A few days ago while we were in the store.
2. Are you loud, outgoing, or shy?
I'm actually pretty shy. But it really depends on the people I'm around and how comfortable I feel with them.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My nephew or niece (my sister is having a baby!!)
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I think so. I'm pretty laid back. As long as you're not a dick to me there shouldn't be a problem.
Um. I believe it was Owen. A few days ago while we were in the store.
2. Are you loud, outgoing, or shy?
I'm actually pretty shy. But it really depends on the people I'm around and how comfortable I feel with them.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My nephew or niece (my sister is having a baby!!)
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I think so. I'm pretty laid back. As long as you're not a dick to me there shouldn't be a problem.
November 2, 2018
{If It Wasn't For a Woman...}
When Owen was just a little guy he asked me the strangest question. He said mommy, what are these? and pointed to his shoulder blades.
I told him that's where your wings used to be, when you were in heaven.
You can imagine how confused this made him. Since he knew that to go to heaven you had to die first obviously. So, I explained, before you were in my tummy, you were a little angel in heaven. You would sit on clouds and fly around and you were searching for a mommy. That's where you found me, you saw me and decided you wanted me to be your mommy.
He was satisfied with this. And to this day, my now eleven year old, will tell you that his shoulder blades, are in fact, his wings.
I told him that's where your wings used to be, when you were in heaven.
You can imagine how confused this made him. Since he knew that to go to heaven you had to die first obviously. So, I explained, before you were in my tummy, you were a little angel in heaven. You would sit on clouds and fly around and you were searching for a mommy. That's where you found me, you saw me and decided you wanted me to be your mommy.
He was satisfied with this. And to this day, my now eleven year old, will tell you that his shoulder blades, are in fact, his wings.
October 15, 2018
{Five Things}
While I was searching for some writing prompts to help me come up with some content, I came across this idea. Five things. So here we go!
Five things you don't know about me.
1. I have often thought about going back to school. To be a nail tech.
2. I almost flunked out of high school. Because I didn't hand in homework I'd already done and I refused to dress for P.E. pretty much every day for four years. Which is why I ended up taking three P.E. classes my senior year. Let me tell you kids...that sucked.
Five things you don't know about me.
1. I have often thought about going back to school. To be a nail tech.
2. I almost flunked out of high school. Because I didn't hand in homework I'd already done and I refused to dress for P.E. pretty much every day for four years. Which is why I ended up taking three P.E. classes my senior year. Let me tell you kids...that sucked.
October 12, 2018
{This or That: Halloween Edition!}
Found this on Mama's Losin' It!
1. Chocolate candy or fruity?
Is this a serious question? Chocolate. Always chocolate.
2. Witches or Vampires?
That's a hard one. I'm going to go with Witches though.
3. Trick or Treat?
Depends on my mood lol
1. Chocolate candy or fruity?
Is this a serious question? Chocolate. Always chocolate.
2. Witches or Vampires?
That's a hard one. I'm going to go with Witches though.
3. Trick or Treat?
Depends on my mood lol
October 10, 2018
{My Kid is Obsessed with Fortnite}
I'm going to be the first to admit that I have no idea what the hell fortnite is about. I'm aware that it's some kind of cartoon like shooter video game. That is the extent of my knowledge on this game.
My eleven year old son however is obsessed. He gets up early in the morning before school (not every morning but most of them) to play before he has to leave.
All he wanted for his birthday was PS4 cards so that he could by V bucks. So he could spend it on skins for Fortnite and his battle pass (I have zero idea what that is).
When it came to Halloween, he said he wanted to be some skull guy (a Skeletrooper? What the crap is that?). That proved to be difficult.
My eleven year old son however is obsessed. He gets up early in the morning before school (not every morning but most of them) to play before he has to leave.
All he wanted for his birthday was PS4 cards so that he could by V bucks. So he could spend it on skins for Fortnite and his battle pass (I have zero idea what that is).
When it came to Halloween, he said he wanted to be some skull guy (a Skeletrooper? What the crap is that?). That proved to be difficult.
October 1, 2018
{How My Husband Won Me Over}
For those that don't know, the husband and I have been together for fifteen years. How that even happened, I don't know. At this point we have been together pretty much all of my adult life.
I'm aware.
I have actually gotten the question what made you choose him? before. I'm not sure who asked. I don't care. I thought it'd make a good blog post lol.
I'm aware.
I have actually gotten the question what made you choose him? before. I'm not sure who asked. I don't care. I thought it'd make a good blog post lol.
September 24, 2018
September 21, 2018
{And Then There Were Three}

Do you ever get home from work, sit down on your couch, and think to yourself this job is horse shit ? This is literally me every single day for the last week. I'm not even going to lie, I sit down after work (hell, before I even get up to go to work!) and think to myself, I could quit today and find a different job that doesn't suck so bad.
September 13, 2018
September 11, 2018
{My Top 5 Favorite YouTubers!}
I am positive that I am not the only person out there that has (on occasion) sat and watched YouTube for an entire day (or half of it anyway). Sometimes I'll get sucked down the YouTube black hole and even though I started off watching one of my favorite creators talk about her favorite products that month, I end up watching some obscure channel about abandoned towns (you actually have no idea how many times this has happened to me!).
I've found a great deal of my favorite YouTubers by simply stumbling upon their channel. Some are big. Some are little. Some are mom vloggers (like myself!) and some are beauty lovers. Hell some are both (also like myself!). I enjoy watching all kinds of material to be honest. And I love finding new ones! So I thought I'd compile a small list for anyone who might be on the hunt for a new channel to binge watch. Feel free to leave a comment or find me on social media (I'm hisminenours6 everywhere!) and drop a link to your favorite channels!
September 3, 2018
{A Year Later! | My Part-Time Job Update!}
I honestly can't believe I've been at this job for almost an entire year.
As of next month (October nineteenth) that is.
Aside from babysitting (I sat for the same family for three years, every summer and any time they went out on the weekends), this is the longest length of time I've ever had a job.
If you don't count being a mom. That I've been for fifteen years. It was a lot harder than job I have now.
September 1, 2018
{Is He Even Old Enough For This?!}
I'm finding it difficult to write this. I'm not ready. I knew the day would come, but I just wasn't prepared I suppose. As a mom I have always been so shocked at how fast time flies when it comes to my kiddos.
It seems like just last week I teaching Gaige to walk and say mama (which always came out pawpaw) and singing him to sleep at night. I still remember laying in his bed with him at night, scratching his back and singing Rudolph because it was one of the songs he knew the words to too. I feel like it wasn't that long ago that I would sing My Girl to him, switching up girl with Gaige and he would sing mommy instead of Gaige.
Where did those days go?
How did they pass by so quickly?
Why did I take them for granted as they were happening?
It seems like just last week I teaching Gaige to walk and say mama (which always came out pawpaw) and singing him to sleep at night. I still remember laying in his bed with him at night, scratching his back and singing Rudolph because it was one of the songs he knew the words to too. I feel like it wasn't that long ago that I would sing My Girl to him, switching up girl with Gaige and he would sing mommy instead of Gaige.
Where did those days go?
How did they pass by so quickly?
Why did I take them for granted as they were happening?
August 27, 2018
{Am I Even a Mom Anymore?}
I'm honestly not so sure. I mean, I've got kids living in my house. I provide food and clothing for these children. I have spent sleepless nights cleaning up vomit and checking temperatures when they spike a fever.
But over the last year, I've started to second guess myself.
Am I even a mom if I'm not baking cookies and making dinner?
But over the last year, I've started to second guess myself.
Am I even a mom if I'm not baking cookies and making dinner?
August 17, 2018
{Where am I now? | #weightwatchers update!}
Can I just start this blog off by apologizing for not updating you all on my journey more? I'm aware that I've said that before, but really, it's a struggle for me to sit down and talk about it. I just don't want to lol. Especially on those weeks that I don't lose anything. Or I don't feel like I've lost enough. But I mean, what's enough? Everyone says a loss is a loss, but is it really? I hope so. Because my turtle pace of a weight loss journey makes me want to scream.
But, I do have an update for you now! So hold on to your hats kids!
But, I do have an update for you now! So hold on to your hats kids!
August 15, 2018
{Controversial Parenting Questions!}
I'm aware that this is supposed to be a video for YouTube, but I don't really want to get presentable and film it lol. So I thought I'd just do it here! Please feel free to join in the discussion either on Facebook or Twitter or even on Instagram! I'd love to hear your opinion on these questions!
Generally my views on most of these topics are simple...
But since I'm human, I also have opinions about things. So lets jump in shall we?
Generally my views on most of these topics are simple...
But since I'm human, I also have opinions about things. So lets jump in shall we?
August 13, 2018
{Taking a Step Back | #NachoParenting }
For fourteen years I have been Dawn's main parent. Although my husband has obviously been here, he has worked the entire time. He left raising the kids up to me. Which is fine. That's what I've always wanted. Or I did anyway. Apparently though, I did it wrong. Or maybe I just don't know what the hell I'm doing when it comes to raising her? Either way, I have come to a decision this past week, it was a long time coming.
I am no longer going to be the hands on parent.
I am no longer going to be the disciplinarian in the house (when it comes to her).
What is Nacho Parenting? I've got a link for that...
July 29, 2018
{Bedroom Make Over Inspiration}
I have wanted to redecorate our bedroom since we moved into this house. I thought it could be so cute with a fresh coat of paint (that wasn't that landlord beige-ish color) and some cute furniture. But seven years later, other rooms in our house have gotten some love, but not the bedroom. I think part of the reason is because we just sleep in there. No one actually sees it. We don't show it off or anything. We close the door when guests are over because it's right off the living room. So there was no rush to get it done. But now since I'm working, I'm slowly but surely trying to get rid of old furniture, organize things, and re-do this bedroom so I can film in it lol.
July 27, 2018
{Curing My 16yr Old Daughters "Boredom" }
You're bored? I don't even know what bored is. - my grandpa, every single time we complained about being bored.
My grandparents raised me for those that don't know. My grandpa was the hardest working man I have ever known in my life. If he was sitting down it was because he was in the bathroom, eating, or sleeping. And even then he was thinking about all the things he had to do when he got up, got done, or got out the door in the morning. I grew up seeing this hard working man put himself through hell because he was taught growing up that you didn't stop until the job was done. He was never bored because there was always something that had to be done.
My grandmother was a lot like this as well. As a housewife/stay at home mom there was always something to do around the house or in the yard or with the kids. Always.
I'm not going to lie, I'm lazy lol. And I'm OK with that. But in the last nine months I feel like I've hardly sat down. My job keeps me hopping. This house keeps me hopping. I'm basically a rabbit.
Apparently my sixteen year old daughter is not seeing any of this work though, because her favorite thing to say is I'm bored or I was bored. She says this mainly after she's caught doing things she knows she's not supposed to do.
So, I pulled a move my grandma would have pulled on me.
I found her something to do. A lot of somethings actually.
July 5, 2018
{My Camping Grocery List}
While planning this trip, I keep wishing that I had the motor-home to camp in. My grandma always kept its cupboards stocked with whatever she would need to cook while on the road/camping. Obviously she would transfer the food from her house fridge to the motor-home, but that's easy.
I can't do that.
Not only can I not do that, but we aren't traveling with any food. We are going to stop at a grocery store close to the park and stock our cabin fridge for the week. So I'm now trying to throw together a list so that when we get to the cabin, we don't have to run back to the store fifty times to get things I've forgotten.
Ya know. Like I do at home.
June 29, 2018
{ #ThrowBackThursday on a Friday }
I haven't done one of these in a super long time! So I thought I'd do one today since I don't have another post planned. And because I saw one of my favorite pages on Facebook, The Wild Wonderful World of Gingersnaps, post a throw back pic of herself, I thought I'd copy her and do one too!
So here we go...prepare yourselves.
So here we go...prepare yourselves.
June 25, 2018
June 11, 2018
June 4, 2018
June 1, 2018
{I Caught Her with ANOTHER Phone}
I'm not sure what to do with Dawn anymore. She just keeps doing the same things over and over to get in trouble. She's not learning from any of the consequences we give her. She just insists that she's never going to change and we need to stop asking her to behave because she won't. She's gone further this time though...and I've decided that this is something someone with more authority needs to handle.
May 30, 2018
May 28, 2018
April 2, 2018
{What My Kids Got for #Easter2018 }
Just like shopping for Christmas, shopping for Easter is no picnic. I struggle to find things for all three kids these days. Dawn being the easiest and Gaige being the hardest. Owen isn't awful, but it's getting way more expensive. But I thought if I'm struggling to find things for my kids (especially the boys) then there is probably someone out there also feeling my pain. So here's what I got my little case you're sitting in the walmart parking lot trying to search for ideas.
March 26, 2018
March 9, 2018
February 9, 2018
February 7, 2018
{I've Lost How Much?! | #weightwatchers Update}
I'm just going to come right out and say it, joining weight watchers along with getting this job has been the kick in the pants I needed to really start focusing on myself. I have seen my self esteem sky rocket the last few months. Sure there's drama where I work (it's a room full of women for crying out loud), but I love working. I love knowing that at the end of two weeks I'm going to have money in my account that I did not have to ask for. It's not taking away from a bill (hell, I've helped to pay a couple). If I want to go shopping, I can. Because I have the money to do so. If I want to book a trip to Disney, I can because I can pay for it myself (over time...that business is expensive!). Not all of it is finances though, I find that I like having somewhere to be every day. I like knowing that I get up in the morning, take Owen to school and have to be at work (or sometimes I pick him up depending on my shift that day). Really I just love the whole thing!
And joining weight watchers again, definitely the right move at the right time for me. I know that I've said that before in the past, but this time it's true. I think I was a little depressed. I sat around the house all day just sitting in my own misery and boring life. I couldn't commit to weight watchers because I couldn't see past my own depression. With everything that has happened the last three years, I just stopped caring about myself. But I'm glad that I got back into it when I did.
Ivan would be proud of me for this.
And joining weight watchers again, definitely the right move at the right time for me. I know that I've said that before in the past, but this time it's true. I think I was a little depressed. I sat around the house all day just sitting in my own misery and boring life. I couldn't commit to weight watchers because I couldn't see past my own depression. With everything that has happened the last three years, I just stopped caring about myself. But I'm glad that I got back into it when I did.
Ivan would be proud of me for this.
January 29, 2018
{I'm an Awesome Mom}
The faces the lady I work with makes when I talk about my kids never cease to amaze me. She looks at me as though I'm one of those moms who just does everything for her kids and they're not going to be prepared at all for the real world. She is wrong of course. I've had other people tell me that I shelter my kids too much, or that I baby Owen too much. They are all wrong. I do not baby him too much...I baby him just the right amount lol.
January 10, 2018
January 8, 2018
{Losing Weight Is Hard | #WeightWatchers Update}
I honestly can't believe I'm about to post the pictures I'm going to post in this post (lol) but I feel like it's important to document. Especially at the beginning so I have something to look back on and remind myself that I don't want to go back to this space.
I have been employed for three months as of the 19th of this month, I have been on Weight Watchers about as long (thanks to that sale they had on Black Friday!). And ladies, it could not be going better!
I have been employed for three months as of the 19th of this month, I have been on Weight Watchers about as long (thanks to that sale they had on Black Friday!). And ladies, it could not be going better!
January 5, 2018
{The Internet Is Forever}
I'm not sure how to write this post. It happened a week ago and I'm still seething from it. I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore. But I am convinced that teenage girls are the worst kind of parenting nightmare I have ever encountered.
I would happily take bleeding nipples and diaper blow outs over the drama and BS that come with teenage girls any day.
I would happily take bleeding nipples and diaper blow outs over the drama and BS that come with teenage girls any day.
January 3, 2018
{2018 Goals | Fitness And Life in General}
I am not one to make New Years resolutions. I don't stick to them. Ever. So I make New Years Goals. Things I can accomplish through the year. Nothing I need to get down on myself about not sticking to. No dieting that will only last a month or two and then be another thing failed. Of course some of goals do have to do with my weight loss (which is coming along nicely for the most part!).
Lets get started shall we?
Lets get started shall we?