For those of you that don't know, the husband and I are the proud servants of two spoiled rotten pooches.
Priscilla (Prissy); the six year old pug/chihuahua mix. And Boss Hogg; the fourteen year old chihuahua
And this, my dear readers, is the very first road trip either of them have ever been on. Well, they've been in the car for hour long rides to different parks, but never on a vacation.
I'm kind of nervous.
I know, they'll be fine.
We're going to take several breaks so they can get out and have a potty. No one wants dog pee in their car right?
First of all, you're going to see that their crate isn't on this list. There's a good reason for that. We aren't taking it. The cabin we got for the week is dog friendly, and they provide a crate. All we're taking is their blanket and the pillow they sleep on. They don't have a regular dog bed. I've spent too much money on them just to have Boss dig holes in them because he's a burrower and ends up digging holes and removing stuffing.
Now lets jump in shall we?
First up is the most important. Food! I thought about dividing up their food for the days, and being neurotic. But then I decided I didn't want to deal with that. I don't want more things floating around the cabin than necessary. So we're taking their whole pet food container
We have the ten pound container. It's pretty handy to have. I mean, what can you say about a pet food container right? lol
What goes along with food? Treats!
I headed to and picked up some yummy treats to keep them happy. I also know Prissy well enough to know that if she runs off (usually after someone or something she deems a threat) I can always holler who wants a cookie? and she will come running back. They'll come in handy at a truck stop if she gets off her leash (unlikely but not impossible).
I've been thinking about getting the pups some new harnesses for a while and used this trip as my excuse.
I remember when we got my first chihuahua this brand of harness was all the rage. Everyone on my chihuahua forum had them. When I saw them on chewy on sale, I went ahead and picked them up. Prissy's is a little tight for her. But it's a medium, a large would have been huge on her. She's just a fatty.
I also picked these up! I'm pretty excited to try them out. I didn't want to take their regular bowls, and these will come in handy at the river and should we go hiking or something.
I'm also packing their shampoo in case they get into something.
I think that's pretty much all we are taking.
What do you take with you when you go on vacation with your dogs?
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