I'll go from oldest to youngest since we have a damn herd of animals at this point.
1. What is your pets name? Boss Hogg
2. What kind of pet is it and what breed? Chihuahua
3. How long have you had your pet friend? 12 years
4. How did you get your pet? Someone brought him and his litter mates into the store D was working at. He couldn't pass him up.
5. How old is your pet? 12
6. What is your favorite memory with your pet? Oh man...um. When he was a bitty puppy he would wake up every 3 hours to eat and go potty. Then he would immediately want to be in the bed with me lol. He would curl up on my pillow, right next to my neck and sleep there the rest of the night. I miss those puppy days.
7. What are some quirky things about your pets personality? He's basically a little old man. He has the personality of a grouchy little old man. He has always behaved like that, since he was a baby.
8. What does your relationship with your pet mean to you? He's my baby.
9. What are some of your favorite past times with your pet? Just hanging out on the couch under a blanket, getting puppy cuddles :)
10. What are nicknames you call your pet? Boss, Bossy, Bossy Hogg, Hog Dog,

1. What is your pets name? Erma (or Urmah depending on my mood lol)
2. What kind of pet is it and what breed? Tortoise Shell Cat3. How long have you had your pet friend? Six years
4. How did you get your pet? D's friend told me had kittens and I brought her home. Even though D said I couldn't have her. He came around though eventually ;)
5. How old is your pet? 6
6. What is your favorite memory with your pet? She's kind of a brat and hates pretty much everyone. She never cuddled or anything when she was a kitten. She doesn't really cuddle or anything now. Unless she wants something lol.
7. What are some quirky things about your pets personality? She's the typical cat. A real ass most of the time.
8. What does your relationship with your pet mean to you? To be totally honest I love her, she's a good cat, but she doesn't like people so we haven't totally bonded or anything. She likes to hang out in Dawns room and "hunt" in the basement.
9. What are some of your favorite past times with your pet? I like it when I'm the only one up and she comes up and lays next to me and just wants to be mellow and a normal cat. It's rare.
10. What are nicknames you call your pet? Erma Squirma, Merma
1. What is your pets name? Priscilla
2. What kind of pet is it and what breed? Pug/Chihuahua mix
3. How long have you had your pet friend? 5 years
4. How did you get your pet? My aunts Chihuahua and pug had puppies, we got one.
5. How old is your pet? She's 5.
6. What is your favorite memory with your pet? When she was a puppy (I know most of my memories are from puppyhood lol), I had to put her crate in the bedroom, right next to our bed. But it didn't stop there, I also had to keep my fingers in the crate and rub her until she went to sleep or she would cry the whole night.
7. What are some quirky things about your pets personality? She pretty much has ADD. The dog is crazy. That's the only way I can explain it.
8. What does your relationship with your pet mean to you? I love her to death! She's my baby girl!
9. What are some of your favorite past times with your pet? Playing outside with her, she's hilarious to play with!
10. What are nicknames you call your pet? Prissy, Jackass, She has also been known to answer to Boss Hogg because she doesn't want him to get anything she's not getting lol.
1. What is your pets name? Thackery Binx
2. What kind of pet is it and what breed? Black Domestic Short Hair
3. How long have you had your pet friend? 1 week
4. How did you get your pet? Petco/Animal Control
5. How old is your pet? He's 11wks
6. What is your favorite memory with your pet? We've only had him a week. But I think the best memory so far, is the first night we had him. He slept in my bed and stretched across my neck and purred the entire night. It was adorable...and suffocating...but mainly adorable.
7. What are some quirky things about your pets personality? He is hilarious! And he's afraid of nothing. He will walk right up to the dogs or Erma and let them know who's boss. The dogs seem to accept his role as alpha, Erma is fighting it tooth an nail lol.
8. What does your relationship with your pet mean to you? He's my baby. Just like the other 3. He means so much to me already.
9. What are some of your favorite past times with your pet? Cuddling anywhere and watching him chase things he finds on the floor lol.
10. What are nicknames you call your pet? Mr. Thackery Binx, Binx, Binxy, Baby Kitty
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