September 25, 2014

{Plans Change Bummer}

I hate it when D and I make plans to do something just the two of us and we have to cancel.

We were supposed to head back to Pere Marquette Lodge for their Halloween ghost hunt. We were so excited when we found out they do that there. But with just spending all that money on the dentist, we felt it might be too much to spend another large sum on one night for us. So I just called an canceled our reservations :(.

On the upside though, now I don't have to worry about if Owen is getting to go trick-or-treating like he wants to or not. My grandma said she would take him but that doesn't mean it'll happen that way. Gaige said he would walk up to the doors with him but that makes me uneasy. I don't know. I have a hard time letting go lol.

Now I'll be able to walk with him and its on a Friday I think so D will be able to go :). We can just walk around our town and get as much candy as they want.

Speaking of candy, Owen can't have anything sticky (suckers, taffy, gum, ext.) so that's another reason I was nervous about leaving him. No one pays as much attention to that stuff as the person who has to pay for it if something happens to his crown. I'm thinking of having him donate the candy he can't have, and letting him buy a video game or something. Just so he's not screwed out of the fun, and he will enjoy the game way longer than the candy will last. Do your kids turn their candy in for something else?

So yeah, that's happening.

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