So as you know we left early in the morning Wednesday to get to Chicago and
spend the day.
Around 5:00pm after sitting in the car waiting for our phones to charge for about an hour or so, I finally could not contain my excitement any longer and decided it was time to go stand in line. We got up there and found several people already waiting. Since the gate didn't open until 6:30pm we all just sort of stood there talking about BSB. As Cassie would put it I was "in my element". And I was. Being surrounded by so many other fans, all of us there because of our love for "our boys".
Cassie and I got in around 6:30, after standing there for about an hour or so, and contemplating pooling our souvenir money and upgrading our tickets to VIP (they were sold out lol). We made a B-Line for the merchandise table. Cassie bought an Avril shirt.
I, of course, chose more backstreet gear ;). As if I would choose anything else right?
(above) That is the zip up
hoodie I had my eye on at the last show. But I chose the beach bag instead. I scooped this up right away this time though, I missed having a BSB jacket since I sold mine.
I also picked up this little
gem :). I absolutely friggin' love it!
When the show finally started of course Baylee came out first...accompanied by Brian. He was amazing just like he was last time! :)
And then Avril came on.
And then it was time! My boys were on stage! And this time, they finished their show. And it was
amazing! By far one of the best concerts I have ever been to. They did all the hits and several of my favorites from the In a World Like This album. I am so in love with these boys. I could seriously not function without them in my life :).
There are a
ton more lol! But I didn't want to flood my post with BSB pictures. So you can view them either on my facebook or on my google + ;)
So there we have it. I think before the next one I'm going to upgrade my camera lol.