I am completely in love with fall. I love to watch the leaves change and fall off the trees into my waiting back yard. I love the smells especially though. While I took a nap after going to a town festival and parade D took the kids outside and built a little fire to burn some random things in the yard. When I woke up and went to hug Bug he smelled of my favorite fall smell. Camp fire. Is that a weird smell to like? I suppose no weirder than gas, which I also enjoy the smell of (the kind you put in cars..not the kid that clears a room lol). I can't wait to break out my hoodie and wear my favorite pair of boots all over town. I am
so excited to decorate for Halloween. It's the only holiday I can get D even a little bit involved in. Which I admit is kind of annoying, but still..I'll take what I can get.
Today we had a town festival. We all got up semi early for a Saturday and went to the parade. Which was oddly enough, about 45min. long. The last parade I went to I waited for an hour to sit for 20min. of parade. Dumb. Not the case today :)
waiting for the parade to start.
Silly hat!
Daddy bought him a cop set from a vendor. $10 for a toy I could get for $2 lol.

His first carnival ride!!

G & D riding Scat...G's first time riding a big kid ride!
So that's what I did today. And next week I'll be going to another fair! Can't wait for that one either. So what's your favorite part of fall?
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