October 15, 2018

{Five Things}

While I was searching for some writing prompts to help me come up with some content, I came across this idea. Five things. So here we go!

Five things you don't know about me.

1. I have often thought about going back to school. To be a nail tech.

2. I almost flunked out of high school. Because I didn't hand in homework I'd already done and I refused to dress for P.E. pretty much every day for four years. Which is why I ended up taking three P.E. classes my senior year. Let me tell you kids...that sucked.

October 12, 2018

October 10, 2018

{My Kid is Obsessed with Fortnite}

I'm going to be the first to admit that I have no idea what the hell fortnite is about. I'm aware that it's some kind of cartoon like shooter video game. That is the extent of my knowledge on this game.

My eleven year old son however is obsessed. He gets up early in the morning before school (not every morning but most of them) to play before he has to leave.

All he wanted for his birthday was PS4 cards so that he could by V bucks. So he could spend it on skins for Fortnite and his battle pass (I have zero idea what that is).

When it came to Halloween, he said he wanted to be some skull guy (a Skeletrooper? What the crap is that?). That proved to be difficult.

October 1, 2018

{How My Husband Won Me Over}

For those that don't know, the husband and I have been together for fifteen years. How that even happened, I don't know. At this point we have been together pretty much all of my adult life.


I'm aware.

I have actually gotten the question what made you choose him? before. I'm not sure who asked. I don't care. I thought it'd make a good blog post lol.