I know what you're thinking! You are always quitting and going back! Well, a girls prerogative is to change her mind at will correct? That's what I'm doing.
September 24, 2018
September 21, 2018
{And Then There Were Three}

Do you ever get home from work, sit down on your couch, and think to yourself this job is horse shit ? This is literally me every single day for the last week. I'm not even going to lie, I sit down after work (hell, before I even get up to go to work!) and think to myself, I could quit today and find a different job that doesn't suck so bad.
September 13, 2018
September 11, 2018
{My Top 5 Favorite YouTubers!}
I am positive that I am not the only person out there that has (on occasion) sat and watched YouTube for an entire day (or half of it anyway). Sometimes I'll get sucked down the YouTube black hole and even though I started off watching one of my favorite creators talk about her favorite products that month, I end up watching some obscure channel about abandoned towns (you actually have no idea how many times this has happened to me!).
I've found a great deal of my favorite YouTubers by simply stumbling upon their channel. Some are big. Some are little. Some are mom vloggers (like myself!) and some are beauty lovers. Hell some are both (also like myself!). I enjoy watching all kinds of material to be honest. And I love finding new ones! So I thought I'd compile a small list for anyone who might be on the hunt for a new channel to binge watch. Feel free to leave a comment or find me on social media (I'm hisminenours6 everywhere!) and drop a link to your favorite channels!
September 3, 2018
{A Year Later! | My Part-Time Job Update!}
I honestly can't believe I've been at this job for almost an entire year.
As of next month (October nineteenth) that is.
Aside from babysitting (I sat for the same family for three years, every summer and any time they went out on the weekends), this is the longest length of time I've ever had a job.
If you don't count being a mom. That I've been for fifteen years. It was a lot harder than job I have now.
September 1, 2018
{Is He Even Old Enough For This?!}
I'm finding it difficult to write this. I'm not ready. I knew the day would come, but I just wasn't prepared I suppose. As a mom I have always been so shocked at how fast time flies when it comes to my kiddos.
It seems like just last week I teaching Gaige to walk and say mama (which always came out pawpaw) and singing him to sleep at night. I still remember laying in his bed with him at night, scratching his back and singing Rudolph because it was one of the songs he knew the words to too. I feel like it wasn't that long ago that I would sing My Girl to him, switching up girl with Gaige and he would sing mommy instead of Gaige.
Where did those days go?
How did they pass by so quickly?
Why did I take them for granted as they were happening?
It seems like just last week I teaching Gaige to walk and say mama (which always came out pawpaw) and singing him to sleep at night. I still remember laying in his bed with him at night, scratching his back and singing Rudolph because it was one of the songs he knew the words to too. I feel like it wasn't that long ago that I would sing My Girl to him, switching up girl with Gaige and he would sing mommy instead of Gaige.
Where did those days go?
How did they pass by so quickly?
Why did I take them for granted as they were happening?