December 27, 2017

{Santa Has Come and Gone | What I Got My 10yr old Techie!}

You could fit what I know about video games in the cartridge of a Nintendo game.


So buying for Owen is not that easy. Much like Gaige, he's interested in things I have no idea about. So when it comes time to buy for him, I pretty much go off of what he asks for a little bit of a youtube research on my own. D also helps me out a little with explaining what he's going to need for certain games, devices, ect.

I think we did pretty good this year though! He ended up with everything on his list.

December 25, 2017

{Santa Claus Is Coming To Town | What We Got our Outdoors-man 15yr Old}

I'm not going to lie folks, I had little do with shopping for Gaige this year. He is so hard to buy for, he kind of always has been. He's really just a different kind of kid. We've always said he has an old soul. Even as a toddler it was like he was a seventy year old in a three year old's body. He liked to be outside and up at the shop with my grandpa. Sure he played with toys and stuff but he would always choose to be outside rather than in, if he was given that choice. Which is fine.

But if you know me at all, you know that I am not an outdoorsy kind of girl lol. I'm what I like to call a city country girl. Sure I like to fish and camp. But I refuse to sleep on the ground or anywhere that I might need to pee outside. If I can't get up in the morning and shower, or shower before bed, I don't want to be there. Gaige is not that all. He spends the majority of his time at the river a few blocks from our house. Between him and three of his friends, he has made little camping areas. Cleared out brush and logs (even hauling a few home to chop here) and has even built little lean-to's.

A couple weeks ago he comes in the living room and says mom do you have a skillet I can take to the river? And he walked away with my mini cast iron skillet (that's probably been used three times...cause who only cooks one egg around here?).

December 19, 2017