As a mom I am constantly on the hunt for medicines that work that I don't have to fight my kids to take. Just so you're aware, in the 12yrs I've been a mom I haven't found one. Nothing ever tastes as good as the box makes it sound. And there are some flavors, bubble gum for example, that I just steer clear of right off the bat.
Why does that flavor never taste like bubble gum?!
So this past week when Owen started coughing his head off, I went to the cabinet in search of a remedy. We had nothing. #momfail I usually have a pretty good supply of cold meds having 3 kids and all. But the last time I cleaned out the cabinet out I had to get rid of a lot of it because it was expired.
So what does a mom do? She sends dad to get more ;). He came home with children's Mucinex and lemon Halls cough drops. I was not impressed lol. Neither was Owen. He fought me forever to take it. He could smell that it was going to be gross before he even got it in his mouth. Did it get the job though is what you're asking right now. Yes, it worked. It took his fever of 103 down in about 15min. But getting him to take it again after it came back, was harder than the first time. He already knew it was yucky.
That's about the time I saw a commercial for Dr. Cocoa. Honestly I thought it was just a marketing tactic. None of the other meds ever taste like their flavors. How could this possibly taste like delicious chocolate (said as though I'm Homer Simpson talking about doughnuts lol)? Owen saw it too though and said I should buy that for him. Not a mom to disappoint, I said I would.
I picked some up on sale for $8 at Walgreen's. I figured if it works, it's worth more than $8.
While walking around the store I read the box. Its dye free, alcohol free, and gluten free. I'm not one of those moms thats super concerned about things like that, but its nice when I find products like that.
The real test though was when I got home. Just opening the bottle, it smelled like chocolate! Like chocolate icing to be exact. I shook it up and poured in the cup that came with the Mucinex. It did come with its own spoon but I saw that being a mess should Owen decide it wasn't as awesome as the cute little owl on the commercial had said.
It poured out thick and literally looked like a melted Hershey bar in a cup!
Of course I had to taste it..and sure enough tastes like chocolate. Not quite as sweet but still as good!
Owen thought so too when he dipped his finger in and ended up drinking the whole cup with no problems.
As far as does it work? We got the cold and cough daytime version. There are 2 others, cough and then cold & cough night time. I haven't heard him cough once since giving it to him. Not one time. I'd say this med is a success! I'll be purchasing it from now on!