December 31, 2012

{Happy New Year!!}

I was talking to a few friends of mine today and there are so many of us that are setting goals for the new year. Not really resolutions because those are like a dead beat dads promises, made to be broken. So I got to thinking, what are my goals? Obviously I want to lose weight and that's at the top of my list. So most of mine are centered around that. But I also go to thinking about how I'm going to make that happen. Especially in the winter when it's so cold! I set up monthly goals this year. And here is how it's going to work.

January: Establish a workout routine. I have a tendancy of saying I want to lose weight but then sitting on my butt all day and around 5pm realizing I didn't do anything to help me even burn a single calorie. I've found a channel on that I think I'm going to try out. If I like that, I'll stick to it. There is also this video on youtube that I have done before and I like. I have also been a pinning machine and found some good workouts that way too!

February: Count those calories. An amazing app that I found is MyFitnessPal for Android (also available for iphone). Not only does it give you the app, you can also log your calories and exercise on your PC! Which is super handy! It allows you to scan a barcode and automatically add it to your food too which I find very useful when the food I'm eating isn't in the (extremely long) list of foods.

March: No Fast Food. Although I plan on cutting back on fast food in Jan & Feb, I want to cut it out entirely for this month. No more glorious McDonalds or driving up to Hardees at 8pm when I get a craving for a Monster burger (oh yeah...I've done that). No I'll give it all up this month. Sure I might miss the fries and the delicious filet-o-fish that McDonalds offers. But we all know fast food is the root of all fat. So ya gotta just cut it out..cold turkey.

April: No Soda. This one is going to be especially tough for me. I already can't drink anything but Pepsi Max because regular pepsi gives me a headache and makes me bloated. But giving up my awesome pepsi max will probably kill me. Just sayin' lol.

Now I think I could make an entire plan for the whole year, but I think 4 months worth is plenty for a starter. I don't want to set myself up to fail right off the bat with moving too fast or looking too far in the future. So that is what I'll be doing. What are your goals for this year?

December 28, 2012

{Little Christmas Haul}

Since everyone loves to show off what they got for Christmas..I figured I'd show off mine too :).

D insists that this was my gift this year. He said that he could have easily made me keep driving the van and gotten himself a truck since it was his car that took a crap on us just a couple months after purchasing it from the neighbor (which I told him not to do in the first place cause I saw it coming a mile away). But instead he found this one for me and took my van as his work vehicle. At least until either this summer or next year when he does finally buy himself a truck. It's the newest vehicle I have ever had. Most of our cars are in the 90's (his caprice is an 88 or something like that lol). I friggin' love it!!

A 2005 Hyundai Tuscon
 To go with said awesome vehicle he got me something I've been wanting for a while but could never bring myself to buy for my van.
These have saved me so much time trying to find my car in a parking lot. Seriously. 
In September I let go of my favorite comforter. It was a white down one that we'd had for years. I loved it because it was so warm, but hated it in the end because it was spewing feathers by the pound. It seriously looked like we were plucking chickens all over the house. So annoying. But I told D that I was not getting rid of it until we had found another one to replace it. I found one at walmart and fell in love with it :). We said we'd buy it later because we didn't have the cash right then. So yeah..he came home about a week later I think, and told me to go get something out of the back of the car. I found this little beauty waiting for me..
The warmest most comfortable comforter in the world. Get one. Right now. I'll wait....
And now for the only thing I even asked for this year (since I didn't need a new camera lol). A tattoo. I have been wanting another one since I got my first one when I was 20. D wrote out 'I love you' and the guy tattooed that on my wrist. 
This was all from D. From his grandmother (the only other person who gives me gifts..) I got a gift card to target. With which I purchased these lovely items today.

It's just a shirt ($14), some nail polish remover, Essie polish in Fishnet Stockings, and some base coat that I've heard good things about. I still have a little left on there lol. I am a target fan.

I wanna see your Christmas haul!

December 26, 2012

{And Now The Wind Down}

I love Christmas. But I'm also glad its over. No more running around like a chicken with my head cut off to make sure I have something for all my kids and anyone else I have to buy for. No more dinners and parties dictating where I need to be. None of that. I am finally able to sit down and just breathe. Well that's not entirely true. Today (of all days) I decided I wanted to go shopping and let the kids spend the money they from D's dad. I should have known that was a mistake.

 We went to walmart first. By the look of the parking lot I thought it was going to be wall to wall craziness. Surprisingly though it wasn't. It was just a lot of people spending gift cards and using their Christmas money. I didn't see a long line out the customer service center so that was a good sign lol. We walked around for a while in the toys cause that was the only place the kids wanted to look naturally. Drama Queen was annoyed that G had won the 50$ from the grandparents house...he was obviously ecstatic about it lol. He couldn't find anything to buy though and although the little boy found a toy he wanted they all 3 chose to go to Game Stop across the parking lot and get something there. So that's what we did. But first mommy picked up a little something for herself ;).
I have been wanting to try this since I first heard itsbl0ndie on YouTube talking about it. Excited to see if I like it as much as she does.

Game Stop was a friggin' mistake all over the place though lol. Its like every friggin person in town was there. But we walked around for about 5min before little boy found Battlefield. He picked that up in a hurry. It was only $7 (was marked as $ thanks D for being such a game that you have an account there lol). He was excited about that. Drama Queen got 3 DS games cause they were buy 2 get 1 free. And G got Modern Warfare 3 and a headset/Mic. So as you can imagine all 3 kids were pretty happy with their purchases.

We then went to Big Lots which was pretty dead. Little boy ended up with some kind of power ranger knife and I got 2 perfumes and a new bowl for Prissy that she can't chew up :). They are all 3 on a device now that we are home and not bugging me. *Happiness* I still want to go to Target cause I got a gift card but I might wait a couple days. I know it will be crazy over there.

So what does your day after Christmas look like?

December 24, 2012

{Merry Christmas Eve!}

Merry Christmas Eve everyone! I absolutely love Christmas! This year though just doesn't seem like Christmas. When I was a kid we would spend Christmas Eve at home (If I remember right) but Christmas Day was spend hopping from my dads parents house to my moms dads house and back to my moms moms house (where us 4 kids live). It was pretty hectic. This year though my dads parents aren't having Christmas because my grandma is in the nursing home after breaking a leg (again). The only place we went was this morning to D's grandmas house. It was a good relaxed time :). D, unfortunately, has to work tomorrow. Yeah, on Christmas Day. BS right? So we let the kids open their main gifts, the ones that are from us.

So tomorrow when D gets home from work (unless the kids are awake at 5am) we're going to open what Santa brings :). Next year I swear if he has to work Christmas Day I'm gonna freak out. I hate having to wait to see the kids reactions to everything they get lol. But also, so we don't have to sit around and stare at the gifts under the tree and stockings full the kids and I are gonna go to my grandparents house.

So stay tuned for those pics ;)

What do you do on Christmas Eve??

December 20, 2012

{It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS!!}

Seriously you guys I have been waiting for it to snow since November! I love the snow! And living in IL it doesn't really feel like Christmas until it snows. So you can imagine how completely bummed I was last year when it barely got cold..let alone decided to snow. This year though everyone said that we'd get crazy snow because of how hot it was over the summer. I was starting to doubt them. Up until yesterday it was still pretty warm out. It was looking like it might be a 'green' Christmas rather than a 'white' one. *sigh* And then a good friend of mine in WI said she was getting snow...which made me jealous. But then I realized Hey! If she's getting it, maybe it'll move down here. That's when they started calling for snow! Of course all we got was rain. But then my friend further north in IL (closer to Chicago) said she was getting snow!! In fact, she said it was damn near a blizzard! I figured it'd die down before it made it's way to us though. Not the case!!

It started coming down around 230 or 3 this afternoon. I took this picture out my back door shortly after it started sticking.


I know it doesn't look like a lot right there, but the ground is covered now at 10pm! It's so exciting! I can't wait to get the kids out in it tomorrow.

Speaking of about that doomsday? You know I had to mention it a little bit right? Everyone has an opinion about it. I of course think it's BS. Who knows though right? Someone posted on facebook about it being the 21st in New Zealand and they're still there, but D says it's not really the 21st until it's midnight in Mexico. Which doesn't make sense to me, but whatever lol. That's what he said.

So there is my post for today. I've got some more fun ones lined up! Including pictures of our Christmas ornament making and our cookie baking. So stay tuned for that!

December 19, 2012

{Omg She's Back Again!}

Yeah, I just did that lol.

Basically I just wanted to let anyone who might be reading this know that I'm back to blogger :). As much as I liked having a blog and it came with many a fancy feature, I've decided that it's time to close my treat site. There are just so many other online treat sites out there that it's impossible to get any recognition. Especially since I don't have the money or followers to help me get recognition. Either way, it's going down as soon as I change all my email addresses that are associated with that account. I so very stupidly decided to use my "company email" for pretty much everything because it was the one most often checked. Big mistake. Now I have to try to remember what major accounts are linked to that account and change them. It's a bitch let me tell you!

No worries for those that have been following me (but not commenting) I've got a facebook for my site now and I've imported all my wordpress posts :). You're not missing anything. Trust me :).

Well, I guess that's about it. I'm going to try to get back to blogging like I used to. I loved to sit and write about pretty much nothing on a daily basis what seems like forever ago but now I don't do it as often. I don't know why. Isn't like my life is that busy lol.

So Merry Christmas! And I'll be back asap!

December 6, 2012

{And when the snow is falling down down down...}

That's when Santa's back in town town town..that's when it's Christmas time again. La Da Lada Lada lol. Oh Backstreet make my heart flutter :)

Anyway- so we are almost done Christmas shopping! So I thought I'd share with you what we have (so far). We're not going all out this year like we have in the past. We just can't afford it. We have too many kids. The 2 older ones are just getting money (or we might fix the teenagers ipad for her, we don't know. She should be more careful with it) so that's why I'm not listing what they're getting :).

Drama Queen
Under the tree
1. Eiffel Tower themed lap desk
2. Nintendo DS Lite
3. Jewelry stand that looks like a ballerina
4. DS purse to put her DS and games in
5. 2 pairs of jeans
6. 2 shirts (the jeans and shirts are wrapped as outfits)
7. Monster High make up kit
Stocking Stuffers
1. Monster High Erasers
2. Head Bands
3. Nail Buffer
4. Nail Polish (hard candy)
5. Panties
6. Perfume samples (Juicy Couture & Paris Hilton)
7. Razors (cause she's at that age lol)
8. Shaving cream
9. Monster High Stickers
10. Tooth Brush/Paste travel kit
11. Wallet
12. Cupcake scented Lotion

Yeah...she's super done when it comes to stocking stuffers. I refuse to buy anything else lol.

The Big Boy (G)
Under the tree
1. Soft air gun (that looks like a pistol..he's been drooling over it for a month)
2. Holster for gun
3. Glove (I have no idea what that's for but D got it for him lol)
4. Thermus
5. Metal Detector
Stocking Stuffers
1. Captain America Poster
2. Spiderman Stickers
3. Glow in the dark stars (for their ceiling)
4. Tooth Brush/Paste travel kit
5. Light up bouncy ball
6. Co2 Cartridges for the gun

Yeah..he needs way more. He is SO hard to shop for though! I miss the days when I could get him anything and he loved it lol.

Little Boy (Bug)
Under the tree
1. Cars Stylus for DS (he is constantly losing the little one that comes with it)
2. Avengers Costume pack (Hulk & Captain America)
3. Jeans & Shirt packaged together to make an outfit
4. Pillow Pet
5. Halo Spartain
6. Innotab 2 (the one without wifi cause I am not that crazy lol)
7. Car charger & Regular charger for Innotab
8. Toy Story game for Innotab
Stocking Stuffers
1. Captain America poster
2. Cars Silverware (cause he lost his fork to the TS ones lol)
3. Glow in the dark stars (like G's)
4. Avengers Stickers
5. Tooth Brush/Paste travel kit
6. Hulk Piggy Bank (he has been bugging me for a bank for a while now but the ones he sees are always so girly).

So yeah, the boys need way more in the stockings department. G needs a couple more gifts for under the tree too. But Bug is pretty much done for under the tree stuff. He's gonna freak when he sees that Innotab :).

What are you getting your kids? I was thinking of maybe getting them each a set of PJ's too? I don't know yet though. I like for them each to get at least 1 new outfit so they can wear it Christmas day out to my grandparents house. But I don't want them to get mainly clothes lol. That's no fun. Then again, that's what Drama Queen asked for other than the DS. What do ya'll think?

December 2, 2012

{No denying it now}


This here is a picture of my first tattoo. I was dating a guy at the time with a friend who did tattoos and I got one :). I don't regret him one bit (the tattoo...the guy I regret to this day lol). Soon after I got him I wanted another. But me and the guy broke up and so on and so forth. I've been planning tattoos for years. I like them to mean something and for them to be a reminder of a time in my life I don't soon want to forget. Which is true for the bunny. He helps me to remember that I'm worth more than what I thought I was at the time.


And here is my 2nd tattoo. This "I love you" is written by D. He thought it was dumb of me to get something like that on such a public spot but its what I wanted :). Its honestly the next best thing to a name tattoo which I will not do.

And five minutes after leaving the shop where I got this done...I wanted another one lol. I'm planning it as we speak ;).