August 24, 2012

{Up all night..}

What I do at 1am:

Taken with my webcam. Don't you love it? I try to do this at least once a week but I'm doing it twice this week because I got bored. Don't judge me.

A lot has been going on here lately. Nothing super exciting. But still, stuff. The older kids (Drama Queen & G) went back to school. Kind of exciting stuff!

He looks so thrilled doesn't he? This was at orientation. I didn't get any pics of the drama queens cause she didn't have an assigned seat or anything. Anyway- that's exciting stuff. G is also riding the bus to school this year. Which I find helpful since I don't want to get up and drive him lol. Their bus stop is right up the street, I can actually stand on my front porch and watch them get on the bus. So all is good with that. I'm not concerned. Last year we had troubles with his bus driver however and I hope we don't repeat those or I'm gonna open a can of whoop ass on her! ;) Or I'll let D do it, whichever.

Also, it's getting to be that time of year. I've already seen Halloween costumes displayed in stores. It's not even September yet and they're already pushing holidays down our throats. RIDICULOUS I TELL YOU!!! But I'm excited for them too! Halloween is the only holiday that D gets in to. I'm hoping to get to decorate a little more this year and make it fun :). We didn't do pumpkins last year or anything cause we just didn't have the money *sad face*. So this year I want to make it good :). No one has said what they want to be yet though. Maybe when wal-mart has its costumes out they'll start talking more about it.

With Halloween talk soon comes Christmas talk. And it freaks me out!! Christmas is so close and we don't know what the hell we're getting any of the kids yet. *sigh* Maybe I should start asking now? Avoid the craziness in Dec. Especially with the whole "the world is ending on Dec. 22nd" thing *eye roll*. I don't know how nuts it's gonna be and I don't want to be out shopping in it. People are nuts!!

So there was my random all over the place post. We're supposed to go to some Native American shindig tomorrow. I don't know what it is, but if I can take pics, you can bet your booty there will be some posted :). Good night kids!

August 23, 2012

{Kid Mode..thank you!}

I know that I've talked a lot about apps lately, but I downloaded another one about a week ago that has been a real joy lol.

I don't know about anyone else, but Bug loves my phone. He loves to watch videos, netflix, and play games. But honestly I don't like for him to play a lot on it, not because he might break it, but because there are always so many ads on the game apps. So as he's playing things are popping up wanting him to click them and obviously he doesn't know what he's clicking on. So it was rare that he could actually go ahead and play a game without me sitting right on top of him.

Until now. I downloaded an app called Kid Mode on the android market (or google play whatever you want to call it now). The description says: "#1 App for Kids! Fun, educational games for kids 8 and under. All your child's favorite Android apps in one place. With our Child Lock feature, kids stay safely in Kid Mode!" I've heard it before though.

Let me tell you this girls, this app does what it says! You create an account and customize it with your childs picture (so they know what to click on when they enter the app) and they can play games, watch videos, listen to stories. It's awesome! Now Bug is constantly on my phone lol. I put it on the main page and he knows right where to go and does it on his own. I love it! Oh! And he can't exit the app on his own. That's one of the best parts for sure. He can get to the main page of the app, where he logs in, but it won't let him hit the home button or back until I sign him out :). It's handy.

The only thing I do not enjoy is that for more than just 1 story you have to pay for Pro. Which isn't that big of a deal because he isn't a 'story' kind of kid. But still. And I understand that if they want to keep the app running and do updates they need people to buy the pro and such. Still. Could have added a couple stories to the free one instead of just 1. But that's seriously my only complaint.

So if you're looking for a good app for your little person to use on your phone (or tablet), check this one out!

August 15, 2012

{Renovation Realities}

I hate working on the house. Hate. But I love the finished result.

This weekend D and I (mainly D cause it's "mans work" as a friend put it lol), refinished our hardwood dining room floors. I am in love with them. They make the whole house seem cleaner. I don't know how that's possible. Then again, looking back at pictures of my floor before, I can see how it would look dirty to some people.

These pictures are before, during, and 2 afters. It might look like the floors don't match, but I assure you they do and they look amazballs!

But now we have to figure out a good color to paint the walls. Originally I was thinking a green to cover up this white/blue the sellers had painted it (along with the entire upstairs..ugh). Then today while I was looking at paint samples I came across this beauty.

It's Warm Gold by Glidden. I'm pretty much in love with it right now. We'll see in a few weeks when I actually have to buy it lol. We're going to do white base boards and white crown molding. I originally wanted wainscoting but I don't think it'll look very good in this room. *sad face*

I'm excited to get this room done so that I can start on the living room and bedroom! That's a whole new post though lol.

August 1, 2012

{3rd and 5th and Pre-K..Oh My!}

I am so not ready for this to happen this year. I just can not handle the thought of my little boy going off to school. I know I'm going to have a hard time with it. But I also know it has to be done. He has to go to school. He can't stay with only me forever, that's just not how things are done. Besides, D & I don't want him to 40yrs old and still living in the basement. That's just weird and wrong on so many levels. So I'm going to suck it up, hold back my tears (at least as far as he can see), and register my little Bug for Pre School tomorrow. *tear*

And lets not even get me started on G and the Drama Queen! Wasn't it just a few days ago that I was taking a picture of them on their first day pre school?

But now G is going into the 3rd grade (after much deliberation on how we were going to help this year. Thank God for this school district) & Drama Queen is going to be in 5th grade! Do you believe that? I know I know! It's crazy.

Friday after D gets home we're going back to school shopping! My favorite kind of shopping! I have their lists all made out and stored on my phone and as soon as I can go through Drama Queens clothes, I'll see what they need clothes wise. They don't get but an outfit or 3 (depending on the sale) right now though cause they get plenty of clothes for Christmas lol.

Just a few weeks to go now! Are you and your kiddos getting ready to head back to school?