We got home on Sunday, but I'm still so glad to be able to walk around my house in my pajamas all day that I may never leave again. No joke.
The trip started off pretty good as far as road trips go. The Drama Queen and G sat in the back and watched movies (thank heaven for a portable DVD player) and Bug slept. It was peaceful with no "Are we there yet"'s or "He's touching me"'s. It was a pleasant hour and a half.
Now, we were informed before we set out on this trip we were told that the hotel would have a bunch of stuff for kids to do and it was just awesome and there was more to do than just gamble. *Sigh* So wrong! There was a pool but other than that, there was nothing to do for the kids at all. So guess what the kids spent a ton of time doing?

The trip started off pretty good as far as road trips go. The Drama Queen and G sat in the back and watched movies (thank heaven for a portable DVD player) and Bug slept. It was peaceful with no "Are we there yet"'s or "He's touching me"'s. It was a pleasant hour and a half.
When we pulled up to the hotel everyone got pretty excited. We had been told that this place was huge and that there was a ton of stuff for kids to do. So we headed up to our room, which left a lot to be desired! There were 2 full size beds (supposed to be queens), a tv, and a bathroom (along with a table and a closet). It was just...tiny. The rooms at the hotel I cleaned were so much bigger, especially in rooms with more than 1 bed. There was also a fridge in every room, not in this room though. We could have used a fridge for sure.
But it was clean, which is more than a lot of hotels have going for it.
Now, we were informed before we set out on this trip we were told that the hotel would have a bunch of stuff for kids to do and it was just awesome and there was more to do than just gamble. *Sigh* So wrong! There was a pool but other than that, there was nothing to do for the kids at all. So guess what the kids spent a ton of time doing?
On Saturday D and I decided to take Bug and explore Bettendorf. We went 10mi. in both directions, we found nothing but houses, bars, and businesses. We were pretty annoyed so we headed back to the hotel. Upon arriving we asked a woman who works at the hotel where we could go that's kid friendly. She informed us that there was a childrens museum and the Putnam museum. We went down to the pool and asked the kids if they wanted to go. The only one who said yes was G. So we took him and Bug. It was freakin' awesome! So awesome that I can't even post all the pictures I took! So here they are in my facebook album :)
The childrens museum & Putnam museum...pretty cool huh? Both kids had a ball at the childrens museum and G absolutely loved the Putnam museum! It was a great day!
Sunday we came home, and I was so friggin' happy to be in my own house again! :)