June 29, 2018

{ #ThrowBackThursday on a Friday }

I haven't done one of these in a super long time! So I thought I'd do one today since I don't have another post planned. And because I saw one of my favorite pages on Facebook, The Wild Wonderful World of Gingersnaps, post a throw back pic of herself, I thought I'd copy her and do one too!

So here we go...prepare yourselves.

June 25, 2018

{Camping With The Dogs | What We're Taking}

I tried to make a video about this, but it turned out to be too short. So, here I am blogging it.

June 11, 2018

{She Just Keeps Sending THOSE pictures!}

Dawn: If you guys would stop grounding me, then I wouldn't be in trouble all the time!

Me: If you would stop doing things you know are going to get you in trouble, you'd stop getting grounded.

This is what I'm dealing with today folks.

June 4, 2018

{He Wants Me to Stay Where?!}

Y'all...my husband finally talked me into taking a trip that has more to do with the outside than the inside. We shall see how this works out.

June 1, 2018

{I Caught Her with ANOTHER Phone}

I'm not sure what to do with Dawn anymore. She just keeps doing the same things over and over to get in trouble. She's not learning from any of the consequences we give her. She just insists that she's never going to change and we need to stop asking her to behave because she won't. She's gone further this time though...and I've decided that this is something someone with more authority needs to handle.