February 9, 2018

{We Are at a Loss | #parentingsucks }

I have attempted to write this post several times and I always discard it. I just don't know how to write what I need to without sounding like an awful parent.

But here I go again, so lets see how far we get this time.

February 7, 2018

{I've Lost How Much?! | #weightwatchers Update}

I'm just going to come right out and say it, joining weight watchers along with getting this job has been the kick in the pants I needed to really start focusing on myself. I have seen my self esteem sky rocket the last few months. Sure there's drama where I work (it's a room full of women for crying out loud), but I love working. I love knowing that at the end of two weeks I'm going to have money in my account that I did not have to ask for. It's not taking away from a bill (hell, I've helped to pay a couple). If I want to go shopping, I can. Because I have the money to do so. If I want to book a trip to Disney, I can because I can pay for it myself (over time...that business is expensive!). Not all of it is finances though, I find that I like having somewhere to be every day. I like knowing that I get up in the morning, take Owen to school and have to be at work (or sometimes I pick him up depending on my shift that day). Really I just love the whole thing!

And joining weight watchers again, definitely the right move at the right time for me. I know that I've said that before in the past, but this time it's true. I think I was a little depressed. I sat around the house all day just sitting in my own misery and boring life. I couldn't commit to weight watchers because I couldn't see past my own depression. With everything that has happened the last three years, I just stopped caring about myself. But I'm glad that I got back into it when I did.

Ivan would be proud of me for this.