July 27, 2016

{ #weightwatchers Update}

Lord almighty losing weight is a damn struggle in your 30's. If I could have the body I had when I started thinking I was fat, I'd be a happy camper. Isn't that the case with us all though?

I feel like when I was on weight watchers a couple years ago the weight just seemed to melt off. It was slow. I rarely lost more than a pound a week, which is fine. But it was happening. This time though, I lose a couple pounds and then gain three. It's insane.

I haven't gotten back on the treadmill. I keep wanting to but I don't. Maybe it'd help if I'd get back at that. Then again, I'd lost 10-15 pounds before I joined the gym last time.

I'm just annoyed. I always get excited when I see a loss and then the next week that loss plus more is gained back. I don't know what to do anymore.

But that's where I am as far as weight loss :).

July 25, 2016

{Personal And Career Goals?}

I've been toying with the idea of getting a part time job for a while now. Basically since Owen started kindergarten. But I always talk myself out of it. Usually ending up at the I like my alone time reason. Plus, I like that I'm free to go on field trips and visit his class when they ask me to and volunteer in the room with him. I don't have to ask for time off or have to disappoint him when I can't do something with him. I enjoy this time. Especially since he's the last one I'll get to experience it with.

July 22, 2016

{Don't Go Shopping When You Don't Like Your Body}

My uncle is getting married next weekend. Which means I have to actually leave my house. Not only that but I have to be presentable while doing so. And according my sister, pajama pants and/or yoga pants are not acceptable wedding attire. I think she's crazy. I probably would have walked down the isle in sweats if I thought I could have gotten away with it. But I guess that's me. I'm lazy so I dress like a hobo. Don't pretend like you're pulling out your good clothes to sit around the house or do laundry. Please girl, you're in the same boat I am at this point. Don't deny it!

I don't so much mind the having to go out in public in something presentable part of this whole situation. I like to look nice occasionally. The problem is that I can never find anything to wear.

I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. I like to be comfortable in whatever I'm wearing. I always have. Luckily, my uncle is also a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy so jeans are acceptable wedding attire (they were with mine too of course).

July 20, 2016

{Books I Did Not Fall In Love With}

As every bookworm knows sometimes you come across a book that just wasn't good. In fact, sometimes they're just down right awful. I've also learned that sometimes a book is free because no one would download it if it wasn't. 

So here are the ones I wasted my time on.

July 18, 2016

{Books I Recently Fell In Love With}

I have been reading a ridiculous amount lately. Mainly because of this awesome new E-Reader I've got. I'm in love with it.

With all this reading I'm doing lately, I have fallen in love with a few different series. And a couple stand alone novels as well.

Just so you're aware, these are all romance novels/erotic fiction. So if you weren't in to 50 Shades of Grey, you won't like these books.

July 15, 2016

{Update on Surgery}

If you follow me on snapchat (mrsturnbow) then you know that last Friday (the 8th) D had hernia surgery.

I don't have a ton of details on what actually went down. Sometimes I think he likes to down play how dangerous his job is because he knows I'd never get a minute of sleep. But whatever he was doing at work, resulted in him getting a hernia.

July 9, 2016

{New Glasses!!}

If you wear glasses then you know how thrilling it is to get a new pair. Or maybe it's just me. I have always loved getting new glasses. Even when I was wearing contacts in my teens I loved having a pair of glasses too, which wasn't common when at that time. Now everyone seems to have both. Anyway, my favorite part about needing new ones was always getting to pick them out. My grandma would take me to the eye doctor and I'd get to sift through a bunch of frames and find just the right pair. Of course, there was that one time where my grandma insisted my lenses be two different colors (blue on top, pink on the bottom) to make it look like I was wearing makeup even if I wasn't. That was stupid.

July 5, 2016

{Teenagers Today & 4th of July!}

For the past few years D and I have been going to the local high school football field to watch the fireworks. We pay around $20 to get in the gate and then there's food/drinks (including lemon shake ups!) and music. They sell those glow in the dark bracelets and necklaces too. The kids can run around the football field and play, tire themselves out so that they're sure to pass out when we get home. We usually have a pretty good time. We tend to sit in the same spot, near the bathrooms and close enough to the exit that we don't have to fight the crowd to get out. It works out great!

July 1, 2016

{I'm Too Old For More Babies}

D and I have been saying we're done having kids for years. Owen was the last and he will stay the last. But secretly I have been wanting another. I silently hope for a surprise baby.

Until today that is.